Chapter 3

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"I mean, that's an interesting way to put it, but I guess technically yes. You get to kiss Louis Partridge." Brian laughed. I was shocked. "Y/N? Are you still there?" He asked. Anna grabbed my phone from me.

"She's still processing everything, Brian."

"Oh okay. Well that's all I needed to tell her. Thanks Anna! I'll see you guys in a few weeks." And he hung up. Anna threw my phone on the bed and started screaming.

"Y/N! YOU GET TO MEET LOUIS PARTRIDGE!!! Wait. We get to meet him. WE GET TO MEET LOUIS PARTRIDGE!!" She jumped and started dancing around. "Do you have anything to say?"

"No. I'm speechless. I have no words right now. This is insane."

"Agreed. But we have to play it cool. I'm sure he has people fawning over him all the time, so he doesn't need us doing it too. We can just be his cool friends. WAIT. You've never kissed anyone!! What if he can tell when you guys have to kiss?" I just looked at her.

"WHAT?? Do you think he'd know??" She nodded.

"With my second boyfriend, I could clearly tell that he hadn't ever kissed anyone before." My eyes widened in horror. "Don't worry, we'll find someone for you to kiss before you have to kiss him. You will be a practiced kisser at that point and he won't be able to keep his hands off of you." I glared at her.

"You have quite the imagination, Anna. He would never go for someone like me. I'm stupid tall and definitely not skinny at all whatsoever. I've got curves everywhere and legs for days."

"Curves are hot, babe. You got 'em in all the right places, might I add. And you're tall, so what. That just means that there's more of you to hug. Face it Y/N, you're hot. There's no denying it. Embrace your hotness, please and thanks." I just laughed.

"Okay, I'll try to embrace my hotness."

"Good." She nodded. "Now lets stop focusing on HIM and start finding a house. We have 3 weeks and no where to live."

"Oh yeah. Brian sent me a few listings today. Have a look and let me know which one you like best." She looked at them and we eventually decided on a cute 2 bedroom apartment with a Jack and Jill bathroom and a cute living room-kitchen area. I texted Brian which one we wanted and he put the deposit on it right then.

"Yay! I love it. When should we start packing?"

"I'll probably start packing things that I won't need right now, but then closer to a couple days before is when I'll pack most of my things up."

"Good plan. I'll do that." We did our handshake and then she went home. When did my life get this cool?

Louis POV.

"Yes, thank you, Brian. I'm very excited to be working on this show with you!"

"I'm so grateful that you agreed, Louis. Your co-star is keeping her identity a secret from the world, but if you want to find her, her instagram handle is @y/n/y/l/n and it should just be the first account that pops up."

"Perfect, thank you. I'll go look now and maybe even introduce myself!" Brian giggled.

"Good luck with that, Louis. Talk to you later." And he hung up. Good luck? Weird. I looked up her handle and it was the first one that popped up. She had some cute pictures with her cats, friends, and it looks like she was at college? Interesting. I clicked message and saw that I had a few messages from her already.

Omg Lou it's your birthday😍
Happy birthday my love
I'll be waiting for a man like you forever
Have the best day!!!
I love you❤️❤️

Wow. This is going to be very interesting. Now I realize why Brian told me good luck. She's a fan. Well, here goes nothing.

Hi, Y/N!
I'm your new co-worker for the show
I'm really excited to meet you!
Can I get your phone number so we can text?

Hopefully she doesn't combust from that message.

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