Chapter 2

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I woke up around 9 am the next day to my phone buzzing. I looked at it, and it was an unknown phone number calling me.

"Hello?" I answered in a raspy voice.

"Hi, is this Y/N Y/L/N?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"This is Brian Brown, from Entertainment Management." I froze. Holy crap. This is getting real. I quickly sat up in my bed and cleared my throat.

"Oh, hi! Thank you for calling! How are you doing?" I asked.

"Very well, thank you. If you have a few minutes, I'd like to discuss more details with you. Is that okay?"

"Yes, of course! I'm not doing anything currently."

"Great. First off, congrats again on getting the part. We are so thrilled to have you join our team!"

"Thank you! I am ecstatic." I laughed.

"Glad to hear it. Second off, we'd like to keep your identity a secret until the show airs. We want to leave the audience in suspense of who won our hearts, and hopefully it'll attract more viewers. How do you feel about that?" He asked. I don't know how I feel about it. It was going to be hard to keep my identity a secret, but I don't see anything wrong with it.

"I don't see anything wrong with it. As long as you think it's a good idea, it sounds good to me!"

"Okay perfect. Have you searched up anything about the show?"

"No, I haven't. Should I have?"

"No it's fine." He laughed. "It's a story about a girl named Lily who becomes internet famous overnight because of her voice, and no one knows who she is. She has a best-friend, Jack, who is the only one who knows who she is. They work together to navigate this new adventure without getting caught."

"That sounds awesome." I remarked.

"I'm glad you think so! We have some very talented writers who are really excited for this."

"Way cool. Do you know who anyone else in the cast is yet?"

"We know a few of them, but not everyone. We're still looking for Jack, but your parents will be played by Melissa McCarthy and Paul Rudd."

"Shut. Up. I get to meet Paul Rudd?"

"Yes... is that an issue?"

"Nope, not at all." I had a silent freak out. PAUL RUDD. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OH MY GOODNESS.

"Okay great. You'll be filming from August to December. Is that going to pose a problem?"

"It shouldn't. I'm currently a sophomore in college, and they're really flexible with putting students into online programs. I should be able to make that work!"

"Wonderful. We can get you a tutor if needed, but we'll just plan on setting aside a few hours for you and your cast mates to study and work on school."

"That sounds great! Thank you."

"Of course. Lastly, will you be having anyone with you?"

"I was planning on bringing my friend Anna as my assistant. Is that okay?"

"Yes that's perfect. We like to have someone you know with you, so that you get more comfortable. We'll arrange an apartment for the both of you to live in."

"Awesome. Is there anything else?"

"Nope that was everything. Do you have any questions?"

"Just one. Do Lily and Jack fall in love?"

"Haha, you have to wait until filming starts to find that out."

"Dang it. It was worth a shot, though. Then I don't have any questions!"

"Great. We'll be sending you contracts over the next few weeks and important documents. Once we find out who Jack is, we'll let you know."

"Thank you, Brian! I'm very excited."

"As am I, Y/N. Talk to you soon!" And he hung up. Wow. This is insane. IM SO EXCITED OH MY HECK!!!!! I have just over a month until shooting starts. Wow.

Over the next couple weeks, I got lots of contracts, apartment listings, costume ideas, song requests, and wanted opinions. They wanted any input on who Jack would be, but I didn't really have any. I finally relented and said, "cute?" They liked that. Why am I so funny?

"Girl, we have 3 weeks left." Anna said as we chilled in my room.

"I know, it's insane dude. But I'm so pumped."

"Same. So. Pumped." We laughed. Suddenly my phone started ringing with a call from Brian. Over the past few weeks, I've gotten to know him better and he's actually really funny. Like an older brother. Beats my older brothers, who suck. I answered my phone.

"Hey Brian, what's up?"

"Y/N, we've found your Jack."

"Really? You've found him?" I looked at Anna. She sat up in anticipation.

"Yeah. We think he's perfect. According to Anna, he passes your 'cute' test." I glared at her.

"Oh good. I'm so glad you got suggestions from her." They got in contact with Anna a few weeks ago just to fill her in on all that she'd be doing. Apparently she filled them in on some other stuff, too.

"Are you ready to hear who your new best friend is for the next few months?"


"Okay good. You may have heard of him, but his name is Louis Partridge." I froze. Time stopped.

"I'm sorry, did you just say Louis Partridge?" Anna jumped up and started freaking out. Silently, of course.

"Yeah I did, have you heard of him?"

"Heard of him? I'm basically in love with him."

"Oh good. Then it won't be hard to act like you are. Remember when you asked if Lily and Jack would fall in love? Well, I can now tell you that they do." I froze again.

"Holy. Crap." I said. "I GET TO KISS LOUIS PARTRIDGE??"

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