Chapter 8

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As I looked into Louis eyes, I couldn't help but think. I HAVEN'T EVER KISSED ANYONE I CAN'T SHOW HIM THAT!!! I hurried and stood up. I smoothed down my jacket and took a deep breath. My cheeks are so red right now. Louis quickly got up.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry, I didn't think that was gonna happen when I pulled you down."

"It's okay, Lou. I just got kind of freaked out." I nervously smiled. "I've never done anything like that before." I whispered.

"Really?" He asked.

"What?" HE HEARD THAT?!? Oh no.

"You've never been close to anyone like that before?"

"Umm. No?" I nervous laughed.

"So you've never kissed anyone?" I blushed even harder.

"I'm not telling you that." And I walked away. He ran after me.

"Hey, I was just teasing!" He grabbed my hand and turned me towards him. "Forget what I just said. Want to get snow cones?" I smiled and nodded. I grabbed my purse and we went to the nearest snow cone shack. We ordered and sat at a picnic table while waiting for them to be ready.

"Thanks for the best day, Louis." I smiled at him.

"Of course, Y/N. I really am sorry about earlier. I didn't know that you would fall on me or else I would've d-" I put my hand on his.

"It's really okay, Lou." I smiled. "Don't worry about it."

"Are you sure?"

"Very sure." They called our names for our snow cones and we ate them while walking back to the apartment. We got to our doors and could hear loud music coming from my apartment.

"Do we dare look inside?" He asked.

"We might as well. I need a place to sleep tonight." I slowly unlocked the door and we peaked inside. We could see Anna and Jackson in the living room, pillows in hand, fabric tied around their heads like ninjas, and war music playing on the TV.

"Jackson, give it back."

"Not a chance, hot stuff. I won this picture of you fair and square. We shook on it."

"A HAND SHAKE MEANS NOTHING, YOU IDIOT!" She yelled and then charged at him. He easily dodged and picked her up, throwing her on the couch.

"Give up. You're never winning this fight."

"I don't give up, stalker." She glared at him.

"There's only one way you win this."

"Oh? And how's that?"

"With a kiss." He winked at her and started leaning in. She pushed the pillow into his face and ran into her room screaming. Me and Louis burst out laughing and Jackson looked over at us. "Oh so getting rejected is funny to you guys?" He asked.

"Yeah mate. Hilarious." Louis said. We walked into the apartment and closed the door.

"Have you guys been fighting the whole time we were gone?" I asked.

"No. At first we sat in silence, and then eventually I got her to cuddle with me. By cuddling I mean we sat with our legs touching. Exciting right?" He had a cute smile on his face.

"Yeah, so exciting." I said sarcastically.

"Then she challenged me to a thumb war and said if I won that I got a picture of her, and if she won I had to go home. So I eventually beat her, and stole a picture from her room. Then we battled with pillows. We did that for about 20 minutes until you guys got home." I looked at Louis.

"There is some serious tension in this house, Jackie." Louis said.

"JACKIE??" I asked. "I'm only calling you that from now on." He groaned.

"What the heck Louis??" Louis just laughed.

"Oh deal with it. She would've found something else weird to call you eventually."

"That's true." I nodded.

"Whatever. I'm going home." Jackson said. "Night you guys." He waved. We both said goodnight and sat on the couch.

"I had a great day, Louis. Thank you for the wonderful adventures."

"Of course, love. I'm glad that we could spend some time together."

"Me too." I smiled at him. He slowly scooted closer to me.



"You know how you said you haven't had your first kiss?" I nodded nervously. "Don't be too eager to get it out of the way. There is definitely someone who wants to be that first for you." He smiled. Then he leaned in and gave me a hug. I blushed profusely.

"Thanks, Lou." I whispered. I hugged him back even tighter.

"Anytime. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow." And we pulled away. I looked into his eyes and he quickly kissed me on the cheek. Before I could process, he was at the door. He turned around, winked at me, and left. I screamed into a pillow. THIS MAN!!!

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