Meeting Anna

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I ran around the playground and climbed up the stairs to the biggest slide. It was orange, my favorite color. I was next in line to go down, when this mean girl went in front of me. 

"Hey! It's my turn on the slide!"

"Too slow." She stuck her tongue out at me. I stomped my foot and pushed her down the slide. I laughed and went down after her. When we got to the bottom, we both had some small scratches, so I sat on top of her until someone came to get us. They dragged us to the office, and we were both crying.

"Please don't get me in trouble. I just wanted to go down the slide."

"I just wanted to go down the slide. I didn't mean to land on her." I cried. They set us down on chairs and got bandages for our small cuts. Soon my mom walked in the door and came to sit by me.

"Y/N, apologize to this little girl. You know that we're supposed to have patience and be kind."

"I'm sorry, Anna. I didn't mean to sit on you. I was just a little bit angry."

"I'm sorry for going down before you, Y/N." We shook hands.

"Good job." My mom hugged me. Then Anna's mom walked in. "Melinda?"

"Juliet? Oh my gosh!" They ran to each other and hugged. I tugged at moms pants.

"Mommy, who is that?"

"This is Melinda, my best friend from high school."

"Oh." I said. Before I knew it, I was at a restaurant with my mom, Anna, and Melinda. I was eating some ice cream with Anna while our moms chatted about who-knows-what.

"What ice cream did you get?"

"Chocolate. You?"

"Peanut butter and cookies."

"Oh yum." 

"Do you want to color with me?"

"Sure!" I sat closer to her and she pulled some pages out for us, as well as crayons. I started coloring a dragon neon pink.



"Wanna be best friends just like our mommies?"

"Yes!" I looked at her. She hugged me and then held out her pinky.

"Pinky promise me that we'll always be best friends."

I hooked my pink with hers. "I pinky promise." 

And that was the start of our life-long friendship:)

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