Chapter 12

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"ANNA MARIE JAMES!" I yelled at her. She pulled away from Jackson and pushed him off the couch.

"Y/N! You're back early!" She said.

"Clearly. I thought you hated his guts."

"Oh I do. We were making out from anger." I rolled my eyes.

"What is really going on?" She blushed and looked at Jackson.

-Anna POV-

-1 hour earlier-

"Have fun kids!" Jackson yelled as Y/N and Louis left. I got out of his arms and went over to the bed.

"Just because we made a truce, doesn't mean I like you." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, Anna. No one can resist me for too long."

"You're an idiot." I said.

"Well you're insanely stubborn."

"Me? Stubborn? You're the one who won't leave me alone when I'm clearly not interested." I stood up out of anger.

"It's just teasing, Anna." He stood up.

"That's what you call teasing? You need a dictionary."

"Well you need to loosen up and chill."

"I AM CHILL!" I yelled. I suddenly realized how close we were to each other. Our chests were touching and his left hand was rubbing my arm slowly.

"Woah Anna. Calm do-" I cut him off with a kiss. He was surprised and didn't kiss back at first, but once he came to his senses he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his neck and kissed him hard. It was full of hunger, passion, and anger. The way he knew just how to get me mad made me so frustrated. This was the only way to get the frustration out. He bit my bottom lip and his tongue entered my mouth. I gladly welcomed it and he kissed me even deeper, with more hunger if possible. He walked us over to the couch where he laid me down and hovered over me. He stopped kissing me and pulled away.

"You call that chill?" He asked.

"Oh shut yo-" He kissed me hard, once again. We flipped over so that I was on top and he was on bottom, so I ran my hands over his abs and played with the hem of his shirt. He groaned into my mouth when I touched his bare stomach and lifted his shirt up even more so that I would have full access. And I took it. I ran my hands over his stomach, and kissed him passionately. He played with the hem of my shirt and lightly touched my hips. I gasped and our tongues intertwined. He sat up and I was straddling him. He put his hands under my thighs and started roaming around. I felt his hands go up to my back, and then back down to my thighs. I shuddered under his touch, but it felt so good. I ran my fingers through his hair as we kissed, more and more. Then the door burst open and we pulled away.


"Seriously? And on my couch?" I asked her as we gathered our things. We got ready and then walked to the car that was waiting for us. I got in and sat by Anna, while Louis sat by Jackson. Just like this morning.

"Are you mad?" She whispered to me.

"No, I'm so happy for you. But my couch, really?"

"Sorry." She shyly smiled and blushed. I nudged her in the arm.

"How was it?"

"AMAZING!!!" She whispered loudly. "I don't even know why I hated him in the first place."

"That's what I've been saying this whole time!" She laughed. We put in my headphones and listened to music until we got back to our apartments. We got out of the car, and Anna and Jackson walked really close to each other, but didn't hold hands. That's gonna be fun to talk out. If they ever get to talking... Once we got inside the building, Louis ran up to me and grabbed my hand.

"This is weird. I thought they wouldn't get together before us, and they didn't, but they did?" He said. I laughed.

"You're right. But they're pretty cute together. Not as cute as us though." I smiled at him. We got to the door and saw Jackson and Anna standing there awkwardly, waiting for us to go inside and leave them alone.

"Goodnight, love." Louis kissed me on the cheek and opened the door.

"Night, Lou." I waved as he went in. "Night, Jackson. Don't stay out too late." I winked at them and went inside. I got changed into my pajamas and grabbed a snack from the fridge before sitting on the couch and watching 'Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse.' Around 20 minutes later, Anna finally came into the house blushing like crazy and smiling.

"Wow. Now I know how you feel." She giggled.

"Gross. Did you guys just make out for 20 minutes?" I asked.

"Maybe." She smiled again. "But he also asked me to be his girlfriend. So I'm not a single woman anymore."

"AHHHH!" I screamed. I grabbed her into a hug and we jumped around. "You got un-single before me."

"Technically yes, but not really, no. I'm so so happy, Y/N. So happy."

"And I'm so happy for you, Anna. I really am." We cuddled on the couch and watched the show together. Around 10:00, I went to bed.

"Goodnight, Y/N. Love you."

"Goodnight, Anna. I love you more."

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