Christmas Special!

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This one isn't related to the story at all, I just wanted to give you guys a special Christmas gift:)

"Y/N!" Louis yelled from downstairs. "It's time to open presents!"

"Be there in a minute!" I yelled back. I put my slippers on, put my hair in a messy bun, and went down the stairs.

"Woah there, hot stuff. Don't over do it." He came over to me and helped me walk over to the couch. I saw my parents on the other couch, my sister and her husband on the floor, and my brother and his wife over by the stairs. Yes, I have 2 siblings. I'm the oldest, though. Me and Louis have been married for just over 2 years, now. Best 2 years of my life!! As we opened presents, I couldn't help but smile. Louis was teasing my siblings, and was helping my parents just like he did to his. He fit with my family perfectly, and I couldn't be more happy about it. We both opened many presents from my parents and siblings, but it was time to open the last present. We each had got something for each other. He went first. He ripped open the paper and saw my gift.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

"Like it? I love it!! Thank you, honey!" He hugged me. He took it out of the box and showed it to everyone. It was a shirt that said, Super Dad on it. My dad laughed at it and my mom thought it was adorable.

"Y/N, that is so cute!! It'll go so well with the #1 dad mug we got him!" My mom said. I laughed.

"Right? It's perfect."

"Okay, now open mine." Louis handed me a box. I opened the paper and found an amazon box. I grabbed the scissors and opened the box. I looked inside and found the cutest thing. A onesie that said, I love cats, and a matching one that said, I also love cats.

"Louis!! I can't believe you got our baby and our cat matching onesies. That is adorable!!" He smiled. I showed them to my family and my mom laughed.

"Root-beer is going to love that. Better put it on her straight away when you get home."

"Oh, I definitely will." I looked at Lou and grabbed his hand.

"Merry Christmas, honey."

"Merry Christmas, lover. I love this. Thank you." And I kissed his hand. After we opened presents, we had breakfast. Lately I had been craving fried egg sandwiches with pickles, so that's what my dad made me. Louis couldn't watch me eat it since he hates pickles, but he was supportive from behind me. Then we got dressed and drove to my grandparents house. I walked in and saw all 30 of my cousins, as well as some friends that I hadn't seen in a long time.


"Bailey!!" I ran and hugged her. Me and Bailey are cousins and best friends. She is my favorite person, besides Louis of course.

"Girl, I missed you!"

"I missed you more!! Louis won't watch k-dramas with me anymore. After that one where the main dude died, he refuses."

"Oh yeah, that one was really sad. But don't worry! While you're here, we can binge like 5 of them! Deal?"

"Deal." I smiled.

"And how is baby Partridge doing?" She asked.

"Oh just wonderful. She's started to kick. Louis loves to just sit and watch while I suffer. It's so fun." She laughed.

"I'm sure it's out of love."

"Oh it definitely is. I love my favorite girls." Louis came over and held my hand.

"One month left! I'm so excited."

"Me too." Louis said. "I can't wait." Bailey smiled.

"Okay let's eat, ya'll. I'm starving."

"I've been hungry since I finished my egg and pickle sandwich this morning." Louis laughed.

"Let's get this woman fed!" He yelled. We went to the table and grabbed food. When we sat down, we were bombarded with questions. All out of love, don't get me wrong, but lots of questions. Louis was nice enough to answer most of them while I stuffed my face. Baby girl loves to eat. Which is good, since I also love to eat. We went back to my parents house and took a nap. I was exhausted. Then we had dinner when I woke up, and decided to watch a Christmas movie. I cuddled with Louis on the couch. He put his head in my lap and had his hand on my belly, while I played with his hair. He eventually fell asleep, but the baby kicked his head and woke him up. I love this girl already! When the movie was done, we went to our room. I got in bed and waited for Lou to join me.


"Yeah?" He answered as he got into bed.

"I love you. And I can't wait to be a parent with you."

"I love you more. And I'm even more excited. We are going to have hot children." I laughed.

"Oh yeah we are. Nothing less!" He pulled me into his arms and we cuddled for a while.

"Merry Christmas, Louis."

"Merry Christmas, Y/N. And my sweet baby. I love you both."

"We love you more."

Merry Christmas, dear reader!!

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