Chapter 15

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Louis POV

"Hey Jackson, can you hand me my water bottle?" I asked him.

"Sure." He hands it to me. I hear some laughing and look over to see Y/N on the floor slapping the concrete out of laughter.

"I LOVE JESUS!" She suddenly yells and then starts laughing again.

"She is so adorable." I laugh while watching her.

"You guys are so cute." Jackson says to me.

"Thanks. So are you an Anna." He blushes.

"Thanks bro. Speaking of." She comes over and sits in Y/N's chair. She gives Jackson a kiss on the cheek and grabs water.

"Y/N is so funny when she gets tired. I call it her getting the giggles. You'll see it a lot more often." I laugh.

"Well I love it, she's adorable." I look to see her slowly getting up off of the floor, when Megan says something that makes her fall down again.

"You really like her, huh Lou?" Jackson asks.

"I do. I really do."


Once I stopped laughing and Megan had to go find another cast member, Paul came over to me.

"Hey Y/N. Enjoying filming so far?" He asked.

"So much!! It's really fun being here with so many awesome people."

"Well it's fun to have you here. You're really funny, you know that?"

"Thanks Paul. That means a lot." I smile at him.

"Anytime, fake daughter. Oh and tell Louis to not break your heart, or I'll do it for him."

"What??" I asked.

"It's very clear how you look at each other. Oh to be young and in love. Now I'm only in love. Still don't get tired of it, though." He dazes off. It's adorable how in love with his wife he is.

"Thanks. I'll be sure to tell Louis for you, fake dad." He laughed.

"Good. Anyway, I gotta run. See you later!" He walks away. I sit in my chair and Louis comes over to me.

"Hey love."

"Hey Lou. What's up?"

"I'm taking you on a date tonight. We're going shopping."

"YAY!! I love shopping. What are we buying?"

"I need a dress suit."

"For what?"

"Well If I'm going to go to church with my girl, I'm going to need something to wear."

"You're coming to church with us?" He nodded.

"Me and Jackson, both. Is that okay?"

"More than okay! Now I'm so excited!!" I jumped up and started dancing around. He laughed at me. Once we got done with filming for the day, we got driven back to the apartment. I walked inside and was attacked by Anna from the back with a hug.

"Hey. I love you." I turned around.

"I love you, too. What's up?" I asked.

"We've just been spending so much time with the boys, I feel like we haven't had a girls night in forever."

"True. Tomorrow?"

"Let's do it. Oh and me and Jackson are coming shopping with you tonight so that you guys don't get spotted alone."

"Okay that's good. I'm excited that they're coming to church with us!! I can't wait to share this side of me with Louis." She smiled and went into her room. Once we got into regular clothes, we went out and walked the streets. We found a men's dress shop and went inside. Louis and Jackson both found some good looking suits. We went back home and had a movie night with all 4 of us. Me and Louis sat on the 2 seater couch cuddling, while Jackson and Anna were on the 3 seater couch also cuddling. We were watching 'Isn't it Romantic,' which is one of my favorite movies.

"Y/N?" Louis whispered to me.

"Yeah?" I looked over at him.

"Can we go into your room? I just want to be alone for a little bit." I nodded. Anna and Jackson were pretty occupied with each other to notice us, so we quietly stepped into my room and closed the door. I sat on my bed and Louis looked around.

"Have you ever been in here?" I asked.

"I don't think so. It definitely feels like your room, though. In a good way of course." He smiled at me. Then he sat next to me and put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Louis, can I kiss you?"

"Please do." I laughed and leaned in. He met me halfway and our lips lightly touched. We had only first kissed that day, but I could tell that I was never going to get enough of it. I still wasn't completely used to it, but it definitely didn't feel as weird as it had before. He brought up his other hand to cup my face, and I wrapped my arms around his waist. We kissed a few times until he pulled away.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm really glad that we met, Y/N. Thanks for being my girl."

"Anytime, Partridge." I leaned in and kissed him again. Once we had kissed for a bit, he opened his mouth a little bit and my world was changed. I thought closed mouth kissing was good, but this was a million times better. I opened my mouth too, and it turned into heaven. Our mouths melted together and worked in sync. It felt like we had been kissing each other for our whole lives. After a few minutes, a knock sounded on my door. We pulled away and I opened it.

"We should all probably head to bed." Anna said. "We've got church at 9 in the morning and we don't want to be tired."

"You're right. Time for you to go, boys." I said frowning. Louis came over and wrapped his arm around my waist. We all walked to the door and us girls gave our boys a goodnight kiss. Then we closed our door and listened for their door to close. When we heard it click shut, we started jumping around and squealing.

"OH MY GOSH Y/N WE HAVE HOT BOYFRIENDS WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US????" She asked. I pulled her into a hug and we kept jumping.

"This is amazing!" I yelled. We stopped jumping and laughed at ourselves.

"We are so weird."

"Yeah we are."

"Ready for tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Very ready. I LOVE JESUS!!" I yelled. Anna laughed.

"Night, Y/N. Love ya."

"Love you, Anna." I went into my room and got ready for bed. Then my phone buzzed.


Hey honey!
Just wanted to check in
I know we talked this morning, but we miss you!
Dylan stopped by today wanting to talk to you
We turned him away though.
Have a good night!
I love you sunshine:)

Hi mom!!
I miss you guys so much!!
Dylan is so annoying.
Thanks for turning him away.
I love you mom!

Why is Dylan coming back to bother me??

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