Chapter 6

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"Did I just hear you say Louis?" Anna peaked her head out. She gasped and grabbed the wall for support. "Holy. Crap." She grabbed my arm. "Am I hallucinating? Or is Louis Partridge in front of us?"

"Nope he's definitely there. Unless we're both hallucinating. Did we eat anything weird today?" I asked.

"Umm, Y/N? I'm actually here. You aren't hallucinating." Louis laughed. I blinked.

"Oh. Umm, hey." I smiled and waved.

"Hey." He chuckled.

"Lou what's taking so l-" a man came from Louis apartment. He stopped in his tracks when he saw us. "Well hello." He stepped forward. "I'm Jackson Wang from China. What are your names?"

"I don't really wanna tell you that, Jackson Wang from China. What if you're a stalker?" Anna asked.

"Anna! You can't just ask someone if they're a stalker." I punched her arm. She just shrugged.

"I've never gotten 'stalker' before. I've gotten hot man, daddy, bicep king, cute smile, lover, etc." Jackson smirked. "But you can call me stalker if you want." He winked at Anna. She rolled her eyes and went back inside.

"I'm Y/N. And that's Anna." I shook his hand. "Nice to meet you."

"You as well." He said. "Louis, I'm gonna take a shower and then we can watch our movie, k?"

"Okay." Louis said. He looked back over at me. "What are you guys doing tonight?"

"We were gonna paint our nails and watch a movie. What movie are y'all watching?"

"We haven't decided yet. Jackson likes horror, and I like comedy. So we'll probably watch a comedy."

"Very good compromise." I winked. "We're gonna watch a barbie movie, so if you guys wanna come over, you're welcome to."

"Okay, thanks! I'll text you." He smiled.

"Cool." We just stared at each other for a few seconds.



"It's nice to officially meet you." He held out his hand.

"Really? We're basically already besties and you want to shake my hand? I give even random people hugs all the time." I raised my eyebrows. He laughed. Then he grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and he wrapped his around my neck. (Not in a choking way💀) Wow he smells realllly nice. We pulled away.

"Have a good night, Y/N."

"You too, Louis." And I went inside. I JUST MET AND HUGGED LOUIS PARTRIDGE!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!! I silently freaked out and jumped up and down. Anna looked up from the couch and just laughed at me. I went over and smacked her.

"Dude?? Why would you ask Jackson if he was a stalker?"

"I don't know. He just gave me weird vibes. Why does he introduce himself as Jackson Wang from China? He could just be Jackson. That's super sus if you ask me."

"You are so weird." She innocently smiled at me. Suddenly the microwave beeped and she grabbed the popcorn.

"Go change and get ready for the movie. I'll paint your toe nails and you braid my hair."

"Aye aye captain." I saluted her. I got my cat jammies on and some hair ties. I went back into the living room just as she was pulling up 'Barbie: Princess and the Pauper.'

"This one okay?"

"Yes. I love this one so much!!!" I squealed. I sat on the couch and braided her hair. Then we got into a weird formation so that she was painting my nails but could still see the screen. We sang all the iconic songs and even had a little dance break while my toes were drying. My phone would buzz every once in a while, but it was usually my mom just sending me cat memes. She's adorable. I told her that I'd talk to her tomorrow and she should get some sleep. Then I got a text from Louis.

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