Chapter 18

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"Y/N, go tell Louis that it's about time to wake up." Jackson yelled at me from the couch. I got up from my chair and went over to the boys apartment. It's been a few days since Dylan barged into our house, and when I had the realization that I might be in love with Louis. I still haven't told anyone about that yet, not even Anna. I'm still processing what this means. I opened the door to Louis' room and saw him peacefully sleeping. Do I wake him up nicely or be mean about it? I'll be mean. I turned on the light, and jumped on his bed. "LOUIS WAKE UP!!! IT'S TIME FOR WORK!!" I shook him. He suddenly opened his eyes and looked around confused.

"What is happening?"

"It's time to get out of bed, my love. We have to go to work in 20 minutes."

"Give me 5 to cuddle you."

"No, or else I won't want to leave. You can hold my hand though." I sat down and held my right hand out. He grabbed it and held it to his chest. After 5 minutes, I pulled it away and jumped on the bed. "OKAY GET UP HONEY!!" I jumped up and down until he got out from under the blankets. 

"Okay, okay, I'm up." He yawned and stretched before helping me down from the bed. "Good morning, love." He gave me a quick peck and hugged me.

"Good morning to you, too. I'll see you in the hallway in 15 minutes." I kissed his cheek and went back to my apartment. Anna was making breakfast while Jackson was finding music to set the mood for the day. I went to my room and grabbed my bag, shoes, glasses (forgot I need to wear them), and snacks. I sat on the couch and scrolled through my phone for a while. Then Brian texted that he was outside and I stood up. I was overcome with dizziness, but ignored it. When we walked into the hall, I locked the door and walked towards the car. 

"Good morning, kids! Ready for another wonderful day of filming??" Brian said happily from the front seat. 

"So ready!" I yelled.

"Yup." Louis said, snuggling into his seat. I laughed at him and patted his shoulder.

"Don't worry Lou, you'll wake up once you get going."

"Hopefully." He mumbled. Me and Anna sent funny videos back and forth to each other while Jackson leaned on her shoulder and watched. We eventually got to set and went to our trailers. I set my things down, got my face ready to be pampered, and went to the makeup trailer. They got all of it on and sent me to the dressing rooms. I walked in to find Louis shirtless. LOUIS HAS ABS?? Wow. My jaw dropped and I couldn't help but stare at him. His abs were very defined, indicating that he worked out quite often. He looked up to find me staring and smirked. "Like what you see?"

"Duh. Woah, Louis. Where have you been hiding all of this?" I walked over to him and gestured to his stomach.

"Under my shirt."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously." He smiled and pulled me close. I felt his abs and he shivered under my touch. Then I wrapped my arms around his neck and he gently kissed me. The door suddenly opened and I pushed him away, making me fall on the floor in the process. I hit my head on the chair, but the pain went away after a few seconds.

"Woah, kids. Just us." Anna and Jackson walked in. 

"Oh hallelujah." I sighed of relief. Louis helped me off of the floor and I felt that dizziness. I quickly sat in my chair. "What's up?" I rubbed my head while looking at Anna.

"We just came to let you know that you both are needed in 10 minutes. So get dressed and meet us at set 6."

"Got it!" I gave a thumbs up. Megan walked in and handed us our outfits. I changed into it and then walked to set 6 with Anna . 

"Okay, Y/N. For this scene, you'll be up on stage singing karaoke, a love song specifically, and looking at Jack the whole time. This is when Lily starts to realize her feelings for Jack. Sound okay?"

"Sounds great." He clapped and I walked up to the 'stage,' waving to Louis. He was sitting at a table consulting with Jackson. He was going over the script quickly when we made eye contact. I winked at him and he smiled at me. 

"We could leave the Christmas lights up until January." I pointed at Jack and smiled. He smiled back at me and laughed. "And this is our place, we make the rules." As I sang, I couldn't help but look at Jack. His eyes were intoxicating and kept pulling me back in. 

As I sang the lyrics, I started to feel that dizzy feeling again. The scene only has a couple minutes left though, power through Y/N.

"Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close?" My heart fluttered as Jack blew me a kiss. These feelings aren't normal.

I tried to sing the next line, but the room started spinning and I couldn't focus on what I was doing. I lost my balance and grabbed the microphone stand for support. I heard someone yelling my name as I fell to the ground and everything went black.

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