Chapter 56: Reflections in universes

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Team RWBY started to continue following the butterfly towards the doorway that was just opened after the fight with the real violent savior. They were confused on what did Kai ment by Multiversal counterpart, Ruby thought would it mean she would actually meet the people She and Blake met after they clashed with Kai during the final part of their fight. Soon they were at what it seems like a very long hallway made of Crystals more beautiful than the last few they were at.

Ruby: Man this must be it. Kota must be through the end of this hallway.

Yang: I mean... This is the biggest hallway here. And Kai said after we meet our... Counterparts was it? We would reach him.

Weiss: And what did he mean by Counterparts? What exactly does that mean?

Ruby: I... Have an idea.

Weiss: Then what?

Ruby: When we used the super dragon fist on Kai did y'all see... someone in front of you that started as us then changed to that person?

Yang: Now that you say that I did.

Weiss: Same here.

Blake: Who did y'all see? What did they look like?

Yang: Well mine hang blond long hair like me but not poofy. She also looked like a Holy warrior with a Emerald color scheme with her and she had a big sword that also looked like her outfit scheme.

Ruby: That's funny mine was somewhat the same but with a Red, Pink, and Emerald green color scheme also with a big blade. But this one (Makes a gesture with her hair) Had short pinkish hair.

Yang: How about you Weiss?

Weiss: Well this one looked like a Android angel. She had long Blue and White hair and an armor set that made her look like she was an android but it also looks like she wasn't. And when she turned to me she had red eyes.

Ruby: Blake..?

Blake: Well for starters she didn't look at all like me but she was beautiful.

Yang: Beautiful?

Blake: (Was a tad flabbergasted) I mean by looks but not comparing to You and Kota. But She had blue hair, with a blue jay colored Hoodie, and A Mechanical arm with I thing a wing emblem on it. When she turned to face me she had violet eyes.

Weiss: That just makes this even less sense. Why would we see people that looks nothing like us?

Ruby: What if it's not about looks that makes us similar. Is what's in the inside that matters. But if they are our counterparts why are they?

Blake: I don't know. (Started to continue walking) Come on we need to keep moving.

RWY: Yeah. (Follows her)

(Small Timeskip)

They were now at least halfway through the hallway but they still had a bit to go through. But instead of the butterfly being their guide it was sleeping on Ruby's shoulder because they didn't need it anymore but it was fond of her just like little was in the ever after. But soon Yang noticed some weird reflection's coming from the walls.

Yang: Hey guys. (Points to left of her) Look over there.

Team RWBY looked at the left wall to see themselves but with the outfits they wore at beacon academy. This made them feel nostalgic from their first few days at beacon academy and then soon when they first met their fifth teammate.

Ruby: Man those outfits were cool back then.

Yang: (To Blake) I do kind of miss your bow.

Blake: (blushed slightly) I mean... it wasn't much of one.

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