Chapter 20: The Stakes Part 2

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(Timeskip to the next day)

Everyone at the Vital tournament was anxious to the the Following fight... Kota Suko vs Team RWBY. Team JNPR and serah was in the crowd with their weapons in case what Blake said was true but it didn't help for the fact that there were atlas soldiers all over the place with their weapons in hand. Jaune, Serah and the others looked at each other with fear but they still remembered the plan if thing go south.

Jaune: (Whispers to his friends) As much as in terrified about this right now but remember if they try anything to him we be there to help him, Right..?

S-NPR: (Whispers back) Right!

Serah: (looks at the feld with a worried look) I hope he's going to be ok though...

Pyyrha: (Holds serah's shoulder) He will serah... He has too.

With a plan in toe they would just sit back and let this play out. Meanwhile we go to Team RWBY who was in the hallway trying to figure out a plan to make sure he looses with out looking like the match was thrown because they were worried that's would they be expecting. Soon Blake saw a few of atlas's Guards walk pass with their guns ready and this started to make her worry.

(Scene change to Team RWBY)

Blake: (Noticed the guards) Looks like they are ready for this fight too.

Yang: Yeah and they look stupider in person.

Ruby: (Grabs Blake's and Yang's Attention) Girls focus We need a plan here, The fight is about to start and we don't know what to do.

Blake: Ruby I understand you're concern and Frankly Kota would be the most powerful foe we've ever faced...

Weiss: Takes the words out of my mouth.

Yang: Guys relax we have a contingency plan if things go south...

Ruby: (Starts to tear up) But I don't want it to go at that..., I don't want our friends to risk their life and School year to protect the man we love.

Yang: (Tries to dry her tears) Sis...

?????: But it would be worth it best friend.

Ruby looks up to see Penny without guards with her with a worried and calm look on her face, when Ruby saw her she quickly ran towards her and gave her a hug and penny was trying not to let her drop to the floor in tears.

Ruby: Penny!? Why are you here?

Penny: Im Here to help. I've herd every thing about this whole situation and we are here to help!

Weiss: We..?

Soon Teams CRDL, SSSN, CFVY, Showed up Along With Winter, Qrow, Goodwitch, And Ozpin Behind Penny and Team RWBY was in awe to see that Kota has friends that can support him and wasn't afraid. Ruby and Yang had a big smile on their face While Blake and Weiss was just happy to see this right now.

Ruby: Wow... Y'all came.

Qrow: That's right kiddo, We won't let that bastard get his hands on our wannabe.

Coco: Yeah He's our best ally yet.

Cardin: He's the strongest person I've ever seen and I won't let that strength go to waste.

Blake: (Noticed the people that never even met Kota before) Wait wait hold on, Some of y'all never even talked to him before why are y'all here.

Fox: Velvet Told us about Him and how he means to y'all and we just want to support him in any way we can.

Sage: And besides with a warrior like that on your side I can just say you guys are in good hands.

Winter: (Walks next to her sister and holds her shoulder) Don't worry we won't let them get him so easily.

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