Chapter 43: The Glitching Knight.

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(Kota's location : Still scattered)

Sage was looking at the still body of Kota Suko While he notices that Kai His avatar has been glitching out for a while now, Sage wanted to see if it has anything to do with Kota's condition but... Nothing. He was as he left it which made him ever more confused. Soon Sage herd a familiar voice behind him.

??????????: So it seems your still ever so confused my dear brother?

Sage: His condition is getting worse. I've put him to sleep for a few days and he will be back up the day before one of the big conflicts. Then I've been monitoring his sleep and no glitches so far. Not even anyone tried to get into his room to check him out.

??????????: But why are you doing this?

Sage: Because dear sister we must let this path follow, for you see even we're on the right path on my plan to help the huntresses free him from this place. For this place was once a peaceful place for beings like us to be in now turned to a makeshift prison by Salem. But I fear his mental health might tips the scales. But we must stick to the path for he must return and help Team RWBY find their true potential.

??????????: But should that include they go to the ever after? I know you are wiser then me but isn't this a bit much?

Sage: The brothers created you for the ever after, like I was made from the Zero point. So when they are ready they will seek help from you sister. Now we must make haste we're running out of time... He's about to wake up, and I'll be ready.

(Scene change and time skip to 3 days later)

Kai(Kota) just woke up from a long slumber in his room at atlas academy but there was just one problem... He doesn't remember going to sleep after Teams RWBY and JNR got their huntsmen licenses. But he did not question it but he wanted to make sure if he didn't miss much. He picked up his scroll and called Yang to see what was going on because he fear he missed something big. After a few minutes of waiting she finally picked up.

Yang: Kai? Kai is that you?

Kai: Yeah it's me. Did someone drugged me or something. It feels like I was out for...

Blake: (Who as well as the others herd they Kai was alive) 3 Days.

Kai: WHAT!!!

Weiss: Shhh not so loud we're at the Schnee manor for Ironwood. But yeah you've been out for 3 days.

Ruby: Are you ok? Any Glitching?

Kai: (Checks his hand only to have a small glitch) Better then the other day. Hehehe. Hey mind if i teleport to you guys I need to be near friends right now.

Yang: Sure Kai go ahead. We might need a budge in.

Kai: Why do you say that.

Ruby: Let's just say there's a tad bit of drama here. Sooooo Please get here as soon as you can.

Kai: I'll be there. (Uses instant transmission to get to Team RWBY)

(Scene change) (Disclamer this takes place in the middle of As Above, so below of RWBY vol 7)

In the Schnee Manor dining room, Jacques is sitting in a chair on the side of the room, with Winter, Ironwood, the councilmen, Robyn and Clover Ebi standing around him. Team RWBY and Penny Polendina are standing together at the end of the room. Clover receives contact on his communicator and puts his fingers to it, listening.

Ironwood: I knew you'd stoop low to get what you wanted, Jacques. But this?

Clover glances at Ironwood and then walks out of the room, continuing to listen to his communicator.

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