Chapter 45: Glitched Self Exile

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(2 days later)

The snow was slowly falling, the Kingdom of Atlas and the city of Mantle is in crisis, but the sounds of a campfire can be herd. Kota's avatar was in the small tent left behind while his Kanohi helmet was just outside of the tent while the campfire was burning bright. Soon Kota(A) got up from his sleep only to have a slight glitch to open his day. Kota(A) got out of his tent only to see the campfire still burning from 2 days ago, He must've passed out as soon as he used his energy to help awaken Team RWBY's Unity amulets but he specifically remembers that he passed out on the snow. How did he got inside of the tent? He then started to worry about his friends, the fact that he left them still hurts him but he still thinks they never needed him. He pulled out his scroll only to see that they were offline.

Kota(A): (Very Weakly) What the hell is happening!?

This made him worried for what's happening to them but if he came back he would just get in the way again but something caught his eye. He exited the cave only to see that theirs a Giant Grimm over by the city of atlas. It almost looked liked a giant whale as well with a glowing body. Kota was very confused on what's going on but soon he herd an unfamiliar voice.

????: It's been at atlas for 2 days now.

Kota(A) turns to see a hooded spiritual person on a stump near the campfire.

Kota(A): (Weakly) Who are you?

Sage: Sorry for scaring you there that was not my intention. My name is Sage and I mean you no harm. Come sit down there is much we need to discuss.

Kota(A) soon joins him at the campfire before sage offers him a cup of coco.

Sage: (Pulls out a hot mug) Coco?

Kota(A): Sure (Takes the cup before sipping it once) So Sage was it? What's going on?

Sage: Salem is attacking Atlas and the City of Mantle is almost destroyed. Your friends have been helping both sides as this will soon escalate.

Kota(A): (Slowly gets scared) What do you mean?

Sage: I can't reveal anything further but I'll promise you your friends will be alright.

Kota(A): (Starts getting frustrated) None of this isn't making sense! But more importantly WHAT the hell are you! You seem to know what's going to happen!

Sage: That's because been watching you and your universe for a while Kota Suko. I'm what you call a Dimensional Guardian.

Kota(A): What's that? (Takes another sip)

Sage: I watch over many universes and see how they play out and how they survive.

Kota(A): Wait Universes... Plural? Then that would mean...

Sage: That's right, The Multiverse is Real.

Kota(A): Holy Shit

Sage: People or beings like me Look over the events in universes, and all universes are connected my the Nexus, Their are 50 of them throughout the Multiverse. Most of the time Beings like us can't interfere due to the balance between worlds. We used to have a team that save universes for a living but they are no longer here. Me and my sister would honor the balance everything changed for us... When you showed up.

Kota(A): What are you talking about?

Sage: When Salem put you in The Crystal Cavern, And turned it into a prison for you.

Kota(A): The Crystal Cavern?

Sage: That's where she put you after the fall of beacon, and I've been watching your body for a while now.

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