Chapter 33: The Raven

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We are in the inside of Ravens main tent in her camp for Kai(Kota) is about to play a game of cards with Raven in order to have her open a portal to mistral so he could find Ruby and the others much faster. They both have their cards and 2,500 Chips and 3 Cards were placed on the table by the card Scatterer. Kai(Kota) Had 4 of Hearts and a 7 of spades while Raven has a queen of clubs and a 3 of diamonds in her hand.

Kai(Kota): Not gonna lie Raven I thought you wouldn't be into stuff like this.

Raven: Well a few of my men got me into playing it and I figured instead of fighting I say, well screw it do something with "good" stakes.

Kai(Kota): Hmph True that.

The 3 cards on the table flipped while a fourth was layed faced down revealing a 7 of Diamonds, a 10 of spades, and a 10 of diamonds.

Kai(Kota): Ok then, I call 350. (Places a value of 350 in chips to the pot)

Raven: Come on kid I said Good stakes, Raise 750 (Places a value of 750 in chips to the Pot making it 1,100)

Kai(Kota) Damn!

The 4th card was flipped while the 5th one was layed revealing a 2 of spades, Suddenly Kai(Kota) Herd a noise coming from outside before the game could continue so he peaked from behind the curtain and saw that from the crowd of goons was that Yang has just arrived.

Kai(Kota): Shit that was Fast.

Raven: What is it?

Kai(Kota): I think Yang is here.

Raven: (Scoffs) Why is she here?

Kai(Kota): I don't know but I have to act casually, Please don't say anything about who I am Promise?

Raven: (Puts in her mask and starts to head out but before patting his sholder) Relax kiddo, You're secret's safe with me. Just have a seat and we will continue shortly.

Kai: (Goes back to his Violent savior persona voice) Got it.

(Scene change)

Yang finally enters the camp, escorted by a few bruised bandits who she had roughed up earlier. She notices more bandits lining up along the path, giving angry glares at her. Vernal steps out of her tent to see what the commotion is about. The two bandits guarding Weiss Schnee are playing cards with each other, before joining the rest of their tribe to see Yang walk in. Weiss notices this and once again summons a small Arma Gigas, who begins to get to work on freeing her from her confinement. Yang and her escorts arrive at the camp's main tent. Raven emerges from it with her mask on.

Yang: Mom.

Raven: (removing her mask) Yang. (smiling) So, after all this time you finally decided to visit me.

Yang feels her left hand shaking once again, but she uses her robotic hand to calm it down.

Yang: You know that I searched for you. I spent years looking for you.

Raven: And you've found me. You were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well done, Yang. But did you have to be so rough with my men?

Yang: I didn't want a fight. They started it and They almost got some Gothic knight looking person involved.

Raven: Well, you certainly finished that fight.

Kai: (whispering) It's a violent savior not a gothic knight. (Looks at his outfit) Ok maybe a little gothic.


Raven: Right. I'm sure this is all very overwhelming. But I must admit that you've proven yourself. So any questions you have I'll be happy to answer. You can stay with us tonight. I'll even have the cooks whip up something for you.

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