Chapter 21: Double Trouble

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We continue to a dorm room, where Mercury is sitting in a chair, reporting on the fight he saw earlier, while Cinder Fall walks back and forth, interrogating him with Emerald Sustrai resting on a bed nearby.

Cinder: And you're sure?

Mercury: Bad hair, used a scythe, and smelled like my dad after a long day. It was him.

Emerald: What do we do?

Cinder: Nothing. We stay the course. They have no idea who we are, so we have no reason to worry. Besides, the last of the heavy lifting is being taken care of thanks to our clever little friend. (picks up her Scroll as it too flashes with the Black Queen) Speaking of which... it appears we have a new access point. (Ironwood is shown on the Scroll as an icon, along with a curling "W" in the other corner)

Emerald: Anywhere good?

Cinder: You could say that. But Now we have bigger fish to fry.

Emerald: Huh (Turns to face Cinder) What are you talking.

Cinder: The trainees managed to keep the Kota At beacon.

Mercury: Wait hold on I thought that ironwood was behind the whole thing.

Cinder: Well let's just say that I maybe started the rumor, Besides I'm glad now we can have more time with him.

Mercury: (gives a deadpan expression) Yeah so you can try to get under his pants you perv...

Cinder: (Gets up and slaps Mercury in the face) Shut up! I'm trying to get him on our side and I was just trying my best to persuade him to do so. Besides the boss wants him not I.

Emerald: Suuuuure.

Cinder: Enough, Go to your rooms. I'll prepare everything for tomorrow.

Emerald: Yes, ma'am.

Mercury: Whatever.

The Scroll reveals the roster of the Vytal Festival Tournament doubles round, which includes CRDL's Russel Thrush and Sky Lark, SSSN's Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias, and Penny Polendina and Ciel Soleil.

Cinder: Let's give the crowd a good fight.

Cinder scrolls down each pair until she selects Mercury and Emerald to face off against Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi in the doubles round.

(Scene change to Team K-RWBY's Dorm)

Everyone was still asleep while Ruby was looking out of the window as the shine of the shattered moon was glowing on her pondering to her thoughts. Soon enough Blake woke up to see Ruby glancing out the window and wanted to talk to her.

Blake: (Taps Ruby's shoulder to get her attention) Hey, Can't sleep?

Ruby: (Turns to face Blake) Yeah You can say that.

Blake: Is everything ok?

Ruby: Oh (Giggles) Yeah I'm fine just pondering like a bookworm. (Turns her head to see Kota sleeping with Weiss and Yang in his arms) Look at him sleeping like a gamer after a convention.

Blake: Well to be fair we did had a crazy day, having to fight him and all.

Ruby: Well we don't have to worry about that anymore, (looks back out of the window as Blake does the same) For tomorrow is a new fun day.

Blake: Yeah.

(Timeskip to the next day and Scene change back to the tournament)

The next morning, the crowd sees the rigged match-up on the screen at the Amity Colosseum.

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