Chapter 38: Horror House

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In the Land of Darkness, five Nevermores are perched on a rocky outcropping with large purple crystals. They fly away when an airship flies by them heading towards a large purple structure in the distance. The airship lowers down to an outcropping that serves as a dock, and Hazel Rainart, Mercury Black, and Emerald Sustrai hop out. As they proceed forward, they notice Tyrian Callows leaning against the entrance at the bottom of the stairs. His scorpion tail now has a spiked, metal tip covering it from where it was cut off.

Tyrian: (laughs) Welcome back, welcome back! I do hope you missed us as much as we missed you.

Emerald and Mercury glare at Tyrian.

Hazel: Let's go.

The three proceed forward past Tyrian.

Tyrian: Speaking of which, where is our Fall Maiden?

Emerald stops upon hearing this, prompting Tyrian to giggle, causing Emerald to growl.

Mercury: Emerald, come on.

Tyrian: (in a mocking tone) Don't tell me something happened to her? (laughs)

Emerald: (turns around and draws her weapons at Tyrian) I will cut off more than just your tail.

Tyrian: (chuckles as he slowly walks toward Emerald) Careful, little girl. Cinder isn't here to protect you anymore.

Tyrian gets close to Emerald's face, causing her to back away. Tyrian intentionally cuts his cheek with the blade of Emerald's weapon. Emerald has a disturbed expression on her face upon seeing this, and Mercury steps up to hold Emerald's shoulder and scare Tyrian away from her.

Mercury: (glaring) Back off, freak.

Tyrian: Oh, don't misunderstand, I am in mourning just as you. Because it appears you've failed our Queen, and that is a tragedy.

A moment later, Tyrian drops his sympathetic facade and starts to laugh maniacally. Mercury looks back at him in disgust while Emerald has a fearful expression on her face. The two of them and Hazel turn around to proceed up the stairs as Tyrian continues laughing.

In the meeting room, Salem opens her eyes and glares at her subordinates. Tyrian and Arthur Watts are seen fearfully sitting at the table while Hazel, Emerald and Mercury are kneeling at the other end of the room.

Salem: I would like you to explain to me... how it is you failed so spectacularly?

Hazel: The Faunus Militia split our forces--

Salem: Stop.

Hazel remains silent with a fearful expression on his face.

Salem: Let me rephrase the question - who is responsible for your defeat?

Emerald and Mercury stay kneeling as Hazel stands up to give his answer. Salem listens intently.

Hazel: I take full responsibility.

Suddenly, Salem flips the table over, knocking Tyrian off his chair. Watts hastily stands up from his seat and backs away.

Salem: (angered) But that wouldn't be fair now, would it?! We all know who's truly to blame...

Salem walks forward and menacingly holds her hand out in front of her.

Hazel: I don't--

Salem motions her hand, and a glyph with her symbol appears underneath Hazel. Multiple Grimm arms come out from it and grab Hazel, forcing him down on all fours and suffocating him.

Salem: Emerald...

Salem looks over to Emerald, who is still staring down with a fearful expression.

Salem: I want you to tell me whose fault this was.

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