Chapter 29: Banishment (Volume 1 Finale)

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The scene shows the darkened corridor of the Vault under Beacon. Only flashes of green and vermilion are illuminated in the darkness. More flashes are shown as Ozpin and Cinder Fall clash weapons against each other. After a clash, Cinder slides back, using her hand to melt the floor below her, and summons ice crystals from the newly-formed substance, hurling them towards Ozpin. Ozpin deflects them all by moving at superhuman speed, and then darts forward and delivers a bunch of strikes at Cinder with his cane, with the last blow launching her back. Cinder then floats mid air by unleashing her Maiden power. Ozpin then slams his cane into the floor, forming a spherical force-field around him. Cinder then unleashes a powerful fire blast, with Ozpin leaping into the attack with the barrier protecting him. As he closes in on her, EVERYTHING GOES WHITE.

(Scene change to Back to Kota)

Kota was flying in the air taking care of nevermores killing them one by one but after a little bit he herd many terrified voices all at once. First Yangs scream before Adam slices her arm off, Then Ruby Jumping off the airship and dozens of others before he herd one voice in his ear by none other then Salem herself trying to get to his head.

Salem: (Through his head) Do you accept my Offer now honey. (laughs maniacally)

Kota then looks down to see everyone but in shambles as he was shocked to see Blake and Yang on the floor with yangs arm sliced off and the others were very injured. Kota was about to be in tears for what he saw.

Kota: NOOOOOOOOOOO! (Flies to them as fast as he could)

(Scene change to everyone else)

the docks outside of Beacon. Air buses are seen picking up the last few civilians and students. Peter Port and Bartholomew Oobleck oversee the evacuation.

Port: That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!

Oobleck: A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!

Weiss Schnee stares at what is in front of her, in disbelief. As Ruby Rose comes running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to her leader's presence, and Weiss turns around to greet her.

Weiss: Ruby!

Ruby: Oh, I found you!

Weiss: Ruby, where have you-

Ruby: Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on?

Unsure of what to say, Weiss lowers her gaze sadly.

Ruby: Weiss? What is it?

Weiss steps aside, giving Ruby a clear view of Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long lying on the ground. Both girls have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them sit Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren, who are too battered and bruised to fight. Blake reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.

Blake: I'm sorry. (She gets tears in her eyes)

Ruby reaches out and opens her mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, she doesn't know what to say.

Blake: (Curls up, closing her eyes) I'm so sorry.

Ruby: Yang...

But Everyone herd Kota's scream above them as he was heading towards him as fast as he could. He landed just ahead of them as like a meteor strikes the ground. The smoke cleared to see Kota in his Base form a broken mess with tears in his eyes seeing that what he thought he saw was true. Everyone then saw him with a worried look as Ruby, Weiss, and Blake looked at him with tears in their eyes before he ran towards them.

Blake: (gets up slowly) Kota...

Kota: (Sobbing) Guys! (Ran towards them knocked them to the ground and hugged them all tightly with him a crying mess) I'm So Sorry... I was to busy trying to save everyone I... (Puts his hand on Yang's) I forgot to save the people I cherished most. (Now a crying mess) I'm sorry... (Sobbing)

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