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'Dimitri just turned five, and him and Rory don't get on as much as we hoped.' I say to Jasmine. 'Mimi's son Marco keeps Alessandro up at night it makes sense as he's only three..'

Dimitri is a spitting imagine of Dilara, and he loves to purposely take the piss out of Rory as they're is just three years between them.

I look down from the sky and at the roses in my hand.

'It's funny that you and Dimitri have the same birthday.' I laugh dryly. 'The 3rd of February.'

The wind blows and I zip up my jacket. It's freezing this time of year, but I've drives all the way from Las Vegas to spend most of the day with the only girl I loved.

'You're 23 now,' I say. 'Happy birthday love.'

I lay the roses on Jasmine's grave, and pick up the wilted ones I left last time. I wrap a birthday balloon around the tree that's right next to her grave.

I get up and dust myself off, making my to my car. Its a long drive to Vegas and I have to make sure I'm there on time for Dimitri's birthday party.

'Matteo!' Rory exclaims as I walk into the mansion. I pick her up and twirl her around.

'How's my favourite girl?' I ask.

'Good!' She replies giggling.
I play with her hair and place her down. I. Our back garden the entire place is decorated with the Disney movie Cars theme.

I got Dimitri a lightning McQueen figurine and he comes running to me. He tackles me to the ground and the gift slips from my hands. Mimi comes with Marco in her hands and places it on the gift table for me.

'How's the birthday boy?' I ask.

'You're late.' He huffs, crossing his arms.

'Only because I got you a special present.' I smile and his eyes go wide.

'Lemme see!' He exclaims.

'After the cake.' Dilara comes from behind him and helps me up.

Dimitri runs off to my mom and dances to the music with her.

'Jasmine?' Dilara asks.

'Yeah,' I reply nodding. 'I decorated her grave.'

'She would love to see us now.' Dilara hugs me. I hug her back, needing the support.

Even though today is a sensitive day for me I'm doing my best to stay composed for Dimitri.

'Where's Mr grumpy husband?' Christianto asks, with Fouzia following him.

They seemed to be inseparable over the last couple of years.

'He's getting the cake.' Dilara laughs.

We go sit down on the terrace, Lorenzo, Amira, Zoya, Terzo, Xuan and Mimi join us.

Dimitri, Rory and Marco play in the ball pit together. The two boys ganging up on Rory and throwing balls at her.

Adriano comes up from behind Dilara and kisses her neck.

'How's the baby?' Zoya asks.

'He's healthy.' Adriano answers.

'He?' Lorenzo raises an eyebrow. 'I thought you didn't know the gender.'

'We don't.' Dilara laughs. 'I'm hoping for a girl next.'

'Adriano won't like that.' Xuan laughs.

'She'll be my princess.' Adriano says. 'But I'll need to figure out ways to get rid of a teenage boys body.'

'You can't chase all the men out of her life.' Dilara scoffs.

'I can and I will.' Adriano smiles proudly. 'She only needs me and her brother.'

'Hey!' I exclaim. 'What about us?'

'I guess you guys too.' He grumbles, rolling his eyes. 'I'll make sure the chef got the cake ready.'

Lorenzo gazes at Amira as she speaks to Fouzia about the new gun shipment we just got.
I swear this guy needs to get his act together and be the man Amira wants.

Amira's a beautiful girl, there's no denying it but if he doesn't step up some other guy is going to take his place. The girl isn't going to wait around for him forever.

With the help of Christianto and Xuan, Dilara gets up and walks over to a table surrounded by cars character balloons.

'Cake time!' Dilara exclaims.

The chef wheels out a huge lighting McQueen shaped car cake with five candles on it. Adriano picks up Dimitri and walks over to his wife.

Zoya takes a picture of them and then Dimitri blows out his candles.

'What's your wish little man?' Lorenzo asks.

'If I tell you then it won't come true.' He sticks out his tongue making us all laugh.

We cut slices of cake and Dimitri nearly inhaled his just so he can get to the presents.

'Which one did you get me?' He asks eagerly.

I point at my present and Mimi hands it to him. When Dimitri sees the figurine inside he hugs me tightly.

'Abnormal strength for a five year old.' I wheeze.

He gets through all the other presents, a bunch of them cars themed and he gets to Adriano's present. The man brought him a nerf gun.

'No way.' Dilara glares at him and Dimitri looks between his parents nervously.

'Gotta teach them young.' Adriano ruffles his sons brown hair and laugh.

'He wants to kill him.' Alessandro rolls his eyes and mutters.

'I'm going to kill you.' Dilara mouths.

'I'll hold you to that later.' Adriano winks.

I smile at them and Dilara stands up to make an announcement.

'Even though today is Dimitris birthday, I would like to make a remembrance to one of our dearest friends.' She says.

Everyone falls silent and my mom squeezes my hand lightly.

'Today is also Jasmine's birthday.' She says and I hold my breath. 'Let us wish her a happy 23rd.'

'Happy birthday Jasmine.' Everyone says in sync.

'Happy birthday my love.' I whisper. I quickly dry my eyes and Alessandro smiles at me softly.

I feel a tugging on my sleeve and I look at Dimitri who leans into me.

'Who's Jasmine?' He asks, looking up at me.

'The love of my life.' I reply smiling.

Dimitri seems satisfied with my answer and he busies himself with his third piece of cake.

Ugh guys I'm getting emotional. This is the end of an era and it's been one of the best eras. I'm thankful to my bestie Hannah for supporting me and listening to my delusions about this book and others to come. I'm also thankful to all my other friends who have supported me and forced me to update. I'm thankful to all my beautiful readers who have been with me from day one. I'll never forget this experience! I'll see you all in the next book <3.
Have a nice day!
Yazzy xx

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