Chapter 19

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Last night I got drunk again and my room and now I've woken up the next day with a headache that make me feel as if my head is going to split in two.

My head spins a little when I get up to refresh myself in the bathroom. Memories of me running through base, drunk out of my mind flood my brain and I have to stop myself from laughing.

Someone knocks on my door.

'Come in,' I say as I dry my face with a towel.

'Miss De'Bardi, The boss would like to see you.' A bodyguard says.

'I'll come right down.' I reply.

I put on a grey shirt and matching sweatpants and let my hair hang loose. I spray some perfume, making sure I don't smell like a girl having a hangover.

I go down to Dominico's office and sit in a leather armchair. Christianto is sitting in the one next to mine. Cora and Pablo are standing behind us.

'Since we have no sight of Adriano, there shall be another way you prove yourself worthy.' Dominico explains, putting down the paperwork he was looking through.

It's weird that whenever Adriano and I come close to killing each other we get side tracked or one of us escapes.

'I think getting kidnapped and escaping all alone should be enough proof.' I reply dryly.

Christianto laughs beside me and I glare at him.

'You were no help either.' Cora says slapping the back of his head.

'What does Dilara have to do?' Pablo asks.

'There's a special black diamond you need to retrieve, it has the code to one of the biggest LA mafia banks ever.' Dominico explains.

'A bank?' Christianto asks. 'And a diamond.'

'This diamond will also make a good necklace for your inheritance event.' He adds.

'So we're risking our necks for a fashion accessory?' I ask.

Dominico turns his laptop and on the screen is the prettiest diamond I've ever laid eyes on.

'Damn,' Pablo mutters.

'I'll give you all the resources and people to help successfully carry out this mission.' He says.

'When do you need this diamond by?' Cora asks.

'Next week.' Dominico replies as if it were nothing.

'Next week?!' I ask.

'That shouldn't be a problem?' He retorts, his eyes daring me to argue.

Christianto puts a hand on my arm and I shrug it off.

'Not at all Boss.' I reply. 'You'll have your diamond.'

'That's what I like to hear.' He picks up a cigar and lets out a cloud of smoke. 'Now go start planning.'

We all get up and leave the room.

'A week!' I exclaim as we walk to the meeting room. 'Is he crazy!'

'Yeah he is,' Pablo replies.

'This is a huge heist there's no way we'll be able to pull it off.' Cora adds.

'We don't have a choice, this is Dilara's inheritance on the line.' Christianto warns.

'Wow suddenly you're so considerate.' I say sarcastically.

'We need to work together so save the pettiness for later.' Cora mutters as we take our seats at the table.

'We need Julia, she's an amazing hacker.' Pablo says.

'We need everyone we can get.' I add.

'Dilara can pretend to be a rich heiress and Christianto her bodyguard who are opening up a new bank account.' Cora explains. 'Then when we need her she'll be able to steal the diamond.'

'Cora and I will be sneak in through the back' Pablo explains.

'Everyone needs to think of things we can do and we will report back here same time tomorrow.' I say.

'Yes boss,' everyone replies.

I get up and head back to my room to change into some gym clothes.

I swear, one day Dominico is going to give me a heart attack.

I change into my usual black tank top, matching sweatpants and put my hair in a ponytail.

As I walk to the training room I see A familiar looking women being escorted in by two men.

What the hell is Vittoria doing here?


'She probably owes him some money, you're just overreacting.'

Adriano's words ring through my head. It's probably none of my business but I don't trust her one bit, and Dominico shouldn't either.

She glares at me and I hold eye contact until she turns a corner.

I make my way to the training room and put in my earphones, this is the way I can release all forms of pent up frustration.

Last night was amazing. It was great to be able to drive and just breathe.

A random girl asked me to race her and it was good to have fun without people knowing who I am.

That way I can't hurt them.

'Is it alright if we leave Rory with you?' Mimi asks, walking into the living room.

'What about the others?' I ask. 'Aren't they free?'

'No everyone's out and busy and you currently have no life.' She replies, picking up her purse.

'You're living in my house you know,' I reply.

She can at least try to be a bit nice.

'Vittoria pays rent.' She retorts.

Alessandro comes in holding Rory and carefully hands her to me.

'We will be a while,' he says. 'We're going out to look for houses.'

'You're moving out?' I ask.

'Yeah, we need our own space and Vittoria won't come in as much as she normally does.' He explains.

I nod and look down at Rory whose examining one of the tattoos on my biceps.

'We'll see you later,' Mimi says as her and Alessandro leave.

I hear the door close and take Rory to the cinema room.

'What would you like to watch?' I ask her.

She looks up at me silently.

Even though I love my niece to bits, we aren't as close as I hoped we'd be.

I scroll through a bunch of movies and she starts giggling and clapping her hands when Tinkerbell comes on the screen.

'This is the movie you want?' I ask.

'Yes!' She exclaims.

Of course it is.

'How about something else?' I offer.

Rory's face scrunches up.

'No,' she says.

I sigh and put on the movie.

Rory cuddles up to me as I sit on the couch.

I hope you're all enjoying the story!
Have a nice day!

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