Chapter 36:

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'Get off me you fat potato.' Jasmine mutters pushing Lorenzo off her.

Last night we all fell asleep on the couch and now my neck is killing me.

'I'm not fat,' Lorenzo grumbles. 'That's just the weight of my muscles.' He flexes his biceps.

'Save that for Amira,' I mutter, putting a pillow over my head.

'Get up guys it's like 1:00pm.' Mimi says, opening the curtains.

'Five more minutes.' Lorenzo groans.

'Five more hours.' I say.

'Lorenzo get your ass up before I throw you out of the house.' Alessandro snaps.

'I'm up,' he rubs his face and goes to the bathroom.

'You're evil,' I whisper to Mimi.

'And you're half asleep.' She replies.

'Do you have iced coffee?' I ask Alessandro.

'Yeah do you want some?' He asks.

'Yes please,' I smile.

'Make it yourself.' He smirks.

'Mimi, your husband's a big dick.' I mutter.

'He has one too.' She mumbles, smiling.

'Too much info for someone who's just woken up.' I say. 'Please Alessandro.'

'Fine, I'll make you one.' He replies. 'But go upstairs and freshen up.'

I do as he says and go to my room and throw on a grey hoodie and leggings. The hoodie has a familiar perfume on it which I can't quite place.

When I walk into the kitchen my iced coffee is ready and Mimi is putting some bread in the toaster.

When she turns her head I can see a mark on her neck.

I laugh and her and Alessandro turn to me.

'You guys have a good night?' I ask.

Mimi goes red and Alessandro glares at me.

'You should smile more, it would suit you.' I smile.

'I hate you.' He mutters.

'I'll throw you into the pool like last time.' I reply.

'I swear to god Dilara I will bring you down with me.' He smiles.

'You need therapy.' I roll my eyes and drink my coffee.

'Yeah we all do,' Jasmine mutters, tying up her hair.

Lorenzo joins us with Rory in his hands and he passes her to me.

She softly tugs at my hair and giggles at me.

We all sit at the table and eat our breakfast. I feed Rory her porridge and some strawberries.

'Nice hoodie,' Mimi smirks.

'I just found it on my bed.' I shrug.

'Adriano was looking for that last night.' Alessandro laughs.

I feel my cheeks go pink.

'Oh come on,' I mutter.

Jasmine erupts into fits of giggles and Mimi joins her.

Lorenzo's phone rings and he answers it.

'Yeah, we'll be there.' Is all that's said before he ends the call.

'Adriano said that Vittoria needs the two of us so Amira and Alora will come take out places here.' He explains.

'You know Jasmine and I can protect ourselves right?' I raise an eyebrow.

'Yeah, but it's Adriano's orders we leave you guys with someone.' Alessandro t.

He gets up and kisses both Mimi and Rory.

'I'll see my girls later.' He says as Lorenzo follows him out of the kitchen.

No later, the doorbell rings and we find Alora and Zoya holding a bag.

They walk in and we make ourselves comfortable on the couch.

'Zoya!!!' Rory exclaims as she picks her up.

'How are you Princess?' She asks, hugging her.

'Good!' She claps her hands.

She reaches out to Alora who picks her up and spins her around.

Zoya takes out four bottles of vodka from her bag and placed them on the table.

Mimi gives her a look.

'Relax, we won't get drunk until 6:00pm.' She rolls her eyes.

'Oh my god,' Mimi mutters.

Alora places Rory in between us on the couch and puts on a Barbie movie.

Barbie: Princess Charm School to be exact.

'Move up there's no way I'm missing this movie,' Mimi says.

She runs into the kitchen and comes out with a couple bowls of snacks.

She slumps next to me onto the couch and puts an arm around me.

I look around at all of us sitting here, peacefully watching a movie. If I'm being honest, I've missed these moments with them.

The doorbell rings and Jasmine goes to answer it. She comes back with Amira whose holding two boxes of pizza in her hands.

'Wow you guys started it without me,' She rolls her eyes. 'Traitors.'

'Sit down Amira,' Zoya laughs, scooting up on the couch. I hand Rory over to Mimi, who places her on her lap.

We play the movie and everyone takes a slice of pizza .

'IT'S YOU BABE AND I'M A SUCKER FOR THE WAY THAT YOU MOVE BABE.' Jasmine, Alora and I yell and the same time.

'Guys your signing is shit,' Zoya slurs.

'Like you can do any better.' I hiccup.

I take another drink of the vodka bottle in my hand and Amira takes it off me.

'Guys sit down and shut up,' she snaps. 'Mimi's tryna get Rory to take her nap.'

'Loosen up,' Jasmine giggles.

'Lord help me I will tie you all to the couch.' She snaps.

'Ok, ok guys shut up,' I whisper before tripping over the coffee table.

Alora bursts into fits of giggles and Zoya puts a hand over her mouth.

'Amira's gonna get mad at us.' Zoya hushes.

I sit up in the coffee table and move my hair out of my face.

Jasmine opens the front door and peaks her head out.

Amira rushes to her side and pulls her inside, locking the door.

'I need to start getting paid for this,' she mutters.

She shoves Jasmine onto the couch with Alora and Zoya. Amira comes over to me helps me to my feet and places me next to them.

Mimi comes in a pinches the bridge of her nose.
She disappears into the kitchen and comes back with a tray of water.

'Well, they did say that they're gonna get drunk after six.' She sighs.

'I'm gonna kill them.' Amira mutters.

I hope you're all enjoying the book so far!
Have a nice day!

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