Chapter 55:

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Friday comes sooner than expected and we're all preparing for the funeral.

'Have any of you heard from Zoya?' I ask, fixing the strap of my black heel.

'No, not since Alora and her left the meeting room.' Alessandro says as he places a black bow in Rory's hair. He kisses the top of her head and he picks her up.

'That's really weird.' I mumble.

'Alora told us that she's been held back at base.' Adriano shrugs.

He moves my hair to the side and kisses the nape of my neck, wrapping an arm around my waist.

A feeling in my gut tells me that something isn't right.

'Guys,' Amira mumbles. 'Isn't it a bit weird that she disappears the day after we find out that there's a traitor?'

'She wouldn't,' Alora furrows her eyebrows.

Lorenzo looks at Amira, considering what she's saying.
Terzo stand up from the couch.

'Amira, you know she would never.' Terzo's voice is low and it doesn't seem like him. He looks as if he hasn't slept.

Xuan walks into the house.

'They're all ready for us.' He says.

Half of us go in the car with Xuan while the rest of us get into Adriano's car. As he drives to the church he puts a hand on my thigh and gives me a comforting squeeze.

We get to the Church and the only people here are the people who aren't under Vittoria's control. All of us minus Zoya.

We sit in the church and the priest starts the ceremony.

'We gather this evening to mourn the loss and bid farewell to one of our greatest friends Jasmine Habib.' The priest starts. 'May her mind, body and soul rest in peace as she is now in a greater place.'

I see Alessandro drape and arm around Matteo in front of me and Adriano's hand intertwines with mine.

'Before the burial, we will hear a couple of Eulogies from Matteo, Dilara and Xuan.' The priest says.

Mateo takes out a piece of paper and opens it up as he walks to the podium.

'I never thought I would be standing here to talk about someone close to me dying.' He sucks I'm a breath. 'Jasmine was with me throughout all my training to be the man I am now, she was my best friend and she was also my first and last ever love.'

I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes and see Amira wiping her eyes.

'She was..' Matteo's voice breaks and he takes a shaky breath, steadying his hands. 'She was the best thing that had ever happened to me and she will be missed dearly.'

Matteo scrunches up his piece of paper and shoves it in his pocket. He wipes his eyes and bows his head for the rest of the ceremony.

I walk up the podium, the church making the sound of my heels echo.

Unlike Adriano's funeral I am fully prepared to give my eulogy. I take a deep breath before I begin.

'I still remember the day Adriano and I found Jasmine in that dirty alley, looking for help.' I say. 'She was only sixteen years old.'

I scan the room and Adriano looks at me encouragingly.

'I was absent from her life for two years,' I say, swallowing the lump in my throat. 'But when I returned I saw that she had become a beautiful young woman.'

I wipe a tear from my eyes, but it doesn't stop more from falling.

'Her and I quickly realised that we went through a lot of the same things,' Matteo keeps his head down and my heart breaks. 'But as she was becoming more of a sister to me, she was taken from us.'

I have to look down and take a minute to collect myself again. I feel a warm hand on my lower back and look up to see Adriano next to me. He gives me a supportive nod.

'Jasmine will always have a special place in all our hearts.' My voice cracks. 'She was a sister, a girlfriend and a friend, but she will be deeply missed.' I'm unable to force anymore words to come out so Adriano helps me back to our seat.

Xuan starts his speech and I see Alora open up her phone and start typing. She sees me look at her and she leans over to me.

'I'm just checking on Zoya,' she whispers. 'It's getting worrying.'

Xuan finishes his speech and they carry out Jasmine's coffin.

'Wait, before anything.' Matteo says.
He opens up Jasmine's coffin and we see her pale lifeless body. He takes out his knife and slices her arm. Blood pours out.

'We've been through this before.' He shrugs, looking at Adriano.

'She died in my hands Matteo.' I sigh. 'She's not coming back.'

Alessandro closes the coffin and they place Jasmine in her grave.  As they bury here Matteo starts crying and Amira hugs him close to her.

I wipe my eyes and Adriano hold me close. We shoot bullets into the air signifying the end to the funeral. I lay a rose of her coffin and we make our way back home.

'I'm cooking tonight!' Terzo exclaims as we get into the car.

Dry laughs pass around us and the drive back home is silent.

As soon as I'm home I jump in the shower and try not to break down. I come out of the shower in my room and dry my hair with a towel. Adriano comes out of his room and towel around his waist.

'You wanna come in?' He asks.

I look at him and consider saying no when I realise it's not good for me to stay alone while grieving, especially when I'm trying to stop drinking.

We sit on Adriano's bed and he lets me lay on his chest as he rubs my back soothingly.

'She's officially gone.' I sigh. I still have an uneasy feeling in my stomach but I ignore it.

'I know how much you cared about her.' Adriano says. 'Even I got a soft spot for her.'
I smile up at him.

'Who knew you were such a big softie.' I smile. He presses a kiss to my lips silencing me.

When he moves away, I grab the back of his neck and press his lips harder against mine.

Adriano and I both need to feel something other than sadness, and we find that feeling in each other.

He flips me over so that he's on top of me. I gasp and he uses that opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth making me moan into him. The towel around me loosens and so does his.

I move my fingers through his hair and his lips travel down my neck as he bites me softly.

'I love how you sound.' He says against me as I gasp when he bites the skin on my collarbone.

I press my lips onto his and travel down his neck, sucking and nibbling.

'Guys dinner is ready!' Terzo yells from the kitchen. Adriano and I groan against each other, our moment interrupted.

'We're coming!' He replies, while helping me off the bed.

Something weird is definitely going on between the Giovannis. I hope you're all enjoying the book!

Have a nice day!

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