Chaoter 60:

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It's been a week since Alora was finally discharged from the hospital. Unfortunately, Xuan is still in his coma and there's no sign of when he'll wake up.

'Alessandro and I are going out for a ride.' Adriano kisses my nose. 'I'll be back as soon as I can.'

'Don't be gone for too long,' I mumble as he gets out of bed and shrugs on his leather jacket.

'I'll see you later.' He smiles.

Adriano leaves me in the darkness of my room and I turn on my side, trying to fall asleep.

The floorboards creek but I'm too tired to process it, until the sound gets closer. I grab my phone and look at the time; 3:45am.

'Adriano?' I whisper. 'Is that you?'
No response.

The floorboard opposite my bed creeks again and I squint my eyes, trying to get used to the darkness.
I slip my hand under my pillow and feel the hilt of my knife.

I hear another creek so I turn on my phone flash and look around but see nothing.

'What the fuck,' I mutter. I shake my head and put my phone and weapon away. I fluff up my pillow, looking to the empty space next to me where Adriano should be laying. I'm surprised him and Alessandro aren't back yet, it's been a couple good hours.

I try go back to sleep but nothing works. I drink from the cup of water at my bedside table, thanking Amira for putting it there for me earlier.

My head starts feeling dizzy and I get a feeling of severe nausea. My vision becomes fuzzy and I'm about to doze of when I feel a cramp on my abdomen.
At least I think it's a cramp.

It gets bigger and goes all the way from my right to left side. I place my hands on my abdomen and they come back wet.
I'm bleeding.

I look to my side and see a dark figure looming over me.

'The baby,' I whisper, trying to stop the bleeding.

The figure digs their knife into me again, pulling my skin open from side to side. I try to move, to scream, to do anything but my body feels paralysed.
The water. It was drugged.

I try find my voice again as I start crying, watching the person stab me, blood splattering everywhere.
I release a ear plotting scream from my lips and hear footsteps.

'Help me!' I cry. Black spots cloud my vision as I try to keep my eyes open.

Alora runs into the room and turns on the light right as the figure climbs out of my window.

'Dilara!' She screams. 'Oh my god!'
She rushes to my side and rips a piece of fabric from my blanket, wrapping it around me.

Lorenzo and Mimi run into my room, Lorenzo holding a gun.

'She needs a doctor now!' Alora screams and O see tears in her eyes.

Mimi runs towards me, fear all over her face, my vision blurs but I try to keep my eyes open,

'Dilara stay with me,' Mimi pleads. 'I can't lose you.'

I struggle to breathe and she grabs my hand. Lorenzo picks me up and Mimi doesn't let go of me.

'I can't lose you.' She cries. 'Please....'
That's when I black out.

I wake up in a hospital bed, both my memory and vision foggy. The last thing I can remember was the excruciating pain of being ripped open.

I see Adriano to my right, my hand placed on his lips as he mutters things under his breath. Mimi's head rests where my left arm is and Alessandro has a hand placed on her back.

Alora stands in front of me, biting on her hand next to Matteo, Lorenzo and Terzo.

'She's awake,' Matteo whispers.

Adriano looks at me and smiles softly, his eyes red as he moves the hair from my face.

'Hey,' he whispers.

'Hi,' I reply. 'What happened?'

The doctor walks in, his face solemn and I can feel the atmosphere change.

'Adriano I need to tell her.' The doctor says.

'Tell me What?' I ask.

Adriano takes a deep breath and the doctor looks between the two of us before speaking.

'The baby didn't make it.' He says, lowering his voice.

My heart sinks and the corners of my eyes sting.

'How is that possible?' I whisper.

'Whoever attacked you didn't want to murder you, but the child you were carrying.' He explains.

Adriano's hand tightens around mine and I start crying. My chest heaves as I let out the most heartbreaking sobs. My child. My baby is dead. I cling onto Adriano as he places my head on his chest.

'No...' I cry. 'It can't be.'
I continue crying and I'm now screaming. How could someone ever want to do this. Adriano squeezes me and rubs my back comfortingly.

'I'm sorry Ms De'bardi.' The doctor says. 'But it was too late when you got here.'

I scream and fist Adriano's shirt. I struggle to breath and I'm just sobbing, my shoulder shaking.

'You're going to be the perfect mom.'

'Adriano,' I cry.

'I know Pazza, I know.' He sniffs and I know he's also been crying.
He lets go of me and places a kiss on my forehead. Mimi hugs me tightly.

'Thankfully you survived.' Lorenzo says. 'Apparently there's wasn't a chance that you or the baby would pull through.'

'You're very lucky Alora found you when she did.' The doctor says. I smile at her softly, trying to hold back even more tears.

I look down at my abdomen and see the huge, now closed wound and stitches.

'They really fucked me up.' I mutter. 'I'm going to kill them.'

'So are we,' Matteo says, sitting down at the end of my bed.

'Dominico, Vittoria and the traitor have put us through enough shit as it is.' Alora says. 'They deserve their karma.'

'Where's Amira?' I ask, looking around.

'She didn't come back.' Lorenzo, lowers his head. 'Just like with Zoya.'

'The water.' I say, grabbing Adriano's hand. Everyone looks at me confused. 'The glass of water on my bedside table had something in it that made me paralysed.'

Adriano looks at me with concern.

'Are you sure?' He asks.

'Yes,' I reply. 'I think Amira drugged me.'

I hope you're all enjoying the story and sorry for not posting I wasn't bothered idk why 😭😭
Have a nice day!

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