Chapter 18:

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I don't leave my room for a couple of days, not even for breakfast. It turns out that I get bored quite easily so at noon I decide to walk around.

I see Cora and she runs towards me.

'I've been going crazy these last couple of days!' She exclaims. 'What happened?'

'I got kidnapped by Adriano's mafia.' I reply.

'You've got to be shitting me.' Pablo says.

Even though they basically got told to watch over me, Pablo and Cora have been there when I needed them the most.

It's nice to have at least one person worried for you.

'I immediately went to Dominico when I thought something was wrong but he dismissed it like nothing.' Cora explains.

'Yeah, that's what he does.' I reply. 'Funnily enough he's the one always preaching about collateral damage and how terrible it is.'

'Hypocrite.' Pablo mutters. 'Well, it's good to have you back.'

'Thanks guys,' I smile softly.

I take a look around and see Christianto walking in our direction. I still haven't been able to speak to him about anything that's happen.

Cora and Pablo glance at each other before looking towards me.

Christianto reaches us and gives me a small smile which I don't return.

'I need people to be sent out and look for her immediately!' I yell.

Alessandro came down to the basement and saw us, he untied us and called an emergency meeting.

'We've been looking for days and haven't found anything,' Amira replies.

'Maybe it's time to stop.' Zoya adds.

'Are you sure you didn't see anything?' Vittoria asks Mimi.

'I already told you I didn't, now give it a break.' She sighs.

Vittoria narrows her eyes at Mimi.

'Leave her alone.' Alessandro mutters putting a protective arm around her.

'I'll send a couple teams out to search for her.' Vittoria says before leaving the room.

Xuan lets out a huge cloud of smoke from next to me and I pinch the bridge of my nose.

How the fuck could she escape from right under our noses?

And what did Dilara mean when she said she manipulated me?

I get out of my seat and make my way to Vittoria. I find her at the end of the garden.

She's whispering into the phone.

'Vittoria,' I call out.

She ignores me and continues with her conversation.

I clear my throat and walk towards her.

'If you don't do as I say I will not be afraid to get my hands dirty.' She whispers before ending the call.

Vittoria turns to me and looks a little taken aback.

'Vittoria we need to talk.' I say.

'Adriano you do know you can call me mother,' she replies walking past me.

I narrow my eyes at her and follow her back into the mansion.

'Vittoria I need to ask you a question.' I snap.

'What is it?' She replies turning to me.

'What did Dilara mean when she said, that you told her, she manipulated me?' I ask.

'Oh come on Adriano get that pathetic girl out of your head.' She sighs.

'What did she mean?' I ask.

'I'm not going to talk about this,' she replies. 'You should probably get back to your wife.'

'You want me to call you mother yet you ignore every question is ask, you barely give me or any of your other sons a second of your time.' I snap. 'Some great mother you are.'

'You will not speak to me like that.' Vittoria snaps.

'Who's going to stop me?' I ask.

'You have been a pathetic mum to me, Matteo and Alessandro.' I snap, slamming my hand down on the table.

'I have sacrificed everything for you!' She yells. 'And the only thing you do is mess things up!'

'What kind of mother ignores her son's existence because he doesn't want to take up the mafia!' I say raising my voice. 'Do you know how much shit you put Alessandro through!'

'I warned him, I told him that he will never be taken into consideration if he lets this opportunity go.' She says.

'You ruined him, just like you did to me and just like you're doing to Matteo.' I snarl.

'I made you who you are!' She yells.

Our argument has Alessandro, Matteo, Zoya and Mimi in the room.

Rory is bawling in Mimi's arms and Vittoria shoots her a deathly glare.

'Whatever is going on here, leave my wife out of it.' Alessandro says stepping in front of his wife and daughter.

'This conversation is over, you all need to get back to your jobs.' Vittoria snaps. 'I will be back here in a month.'

No one says a word as she leaves the room and we hear the door slam behind her. 

'Jesus Christ,' I mutter, rubbing my forehead.

'What exactly happened here?' Zoya asks.

Rory keeps on crying and Mimi's rocking her trying to keep her quiet.

'I'm going out.' I walk past Zoya and she grabs my arm.

'You may not like it but you and Vittoria both avoid everyone when you're pissed off.' She says. 'And make sure nothing happens this time.'

I narrow my eyes at her and walk out of the house.

I grab my helmet and get on top of my motorcycle.

The wind hits my face as I speed down the road, I rev my engine and go faster.

My headlights illuminate the dark highway and I hear another engine next to me.

There's a person with a feminine build, riding a motorcycle next to me.

I turn to them and see that they're focused on the road ahead of them.

She revs her engine and signals to the road, she speeds up and drives away.

I take the hint and speed up.

Let the race begin.

Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!
Have a nice day!

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