Chapter 16:

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I've been locked in here for four days with no help and little communication.

Xuan paces in front of me.

'What have you gotten yourself into.' He mutters.

'Nice to see you too,' I reply.

I pick at the hem of my shirt.

'You know it's not too late for you to come back to us,' he says. 'Adriano will allow you to come back.'

'I would rather die.' I reply, coldly.

'Lets just hope Vittoria doesn't take that literally.' He mutters, rubbing his forehead.

'So how have things been for you?' I ask. 'For everyone?'

'I'm not going to have a conversation with the enemy.' Xuan says.

'Oh come on,' I sigh. 'I'm just an old friend.'

'Shut up.' He snaps

I roll my eyes and get up causing him to cock his gun.

'Relax,' I say. 'I'm not that dangerous.'

'Sit down.' He says.

I start walking towards him.

'I'm getting Adriano, he's the only one who can deal with you.' Xuan snaps.

I smile.

Good, Adriano and I can be alone, that way I can lure him into my trap.

Xuan leaves and later comes back with Adriano following behind him.

I get up from my bed and see Fouzia behind him.

My face drops.


She doesn't look happy to see me either.

Xuan nods to Adriano and immediately leaves.

'I heard you've been giving Xuan some trouble.' He says.

'No, I just want someone to talk to.' I reply shrugging.

I get up and walk towards Adriano and he doesn't back away.

I can feel Fouzia glaring at me.

'You're a prisoner, you don't need someone to talk to.' Adriano says.

I look up at his stormy, grey eyes and he narrows them.

'I get lonely here.' I breathe. 'Maybe you could fix that?'

I can feel Fouzia glaring daggers at the back of my head but I don't care.

Toying with Adriano in front of her pleases me, and the way he reacts to me being this close makes me feel powerful.

I need him on my side to get out of here alive.

'I can't help you.' He says through gritted teeth.

'Liar,' I mutter trailing my hand up his torso. 'We both know that you would love to help.'

'Get your hands off my husband you filthy whore!' Fouzia yells, grabbing the back of my hair and pulling me off him.

She presses her gun to the back of my throat.

'She's just toying with us,' Adriano says to her, crossing his arms.

I turn around to her and smile.

I twist her arm and loosen her grip on the gun.

'Touch me again and I'll rip your hands off.' I snarl.

'Dilara let her go.' Adriano says.

I look up and smile at him.

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