(64) Big Announcement

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(The past 2 chapters were pretty short, so I'll try to make the next ones longer)

The next day me and all the other losers (except for Y/n) waited for Mr. Aizawa's big announcement. "C'mon Mr. Aizawa say it!!" "Pleaseeeeeeee! For us?!" "Stop your whining!" he snaps. "But fine, I'll tell you. Class 1-A, and class 1-A only have been given the opportunity to have a class sleepover in one of the world's famous hotels, right here in Tokyo!" 

All the girls jumped up. "What?!!" "Omg is this really happening?!!" "Eeeee!! I'm so excited!!"

I leaned back in my chair. "Why our class though?" The rest of the students paused and looked back up at Mr. Aizawa. "Yeah, why our class?" 

He sighed. "It was all based on training results, test grades, success hero expectancy rates, and you guys being the favorite class.." "Awww," Momo said. "Of course we're your favorite class!" "Shut it..." Mr. Aizawa started but he was cut off by Kirishima's chant as the rest of us followed and let our voices echo down the halls. "Class 1-A! Class 1-A! Class 1-A! Class 1-A!"

Mr. Aizawa laughed for the first time ever and we all paused, eyes wide like saucers. But just as quickly as his smile appeared it disappeared. "The trip's tomorrow, go home early, get some rest and start packing. It's a 2 day trip and the boys and girls will be seperated into 2 different rooms at night. During the day there will be one common room. Now leave, chop chop!!"

I walked out the door and waited for Y/n outside, holding her hand as soon as she appeared through the door. She buried her head in my jacket. "What's wrong idiot?" 

She mumbled into my chest and reached her arms out. "I'm tired..." I sighed, and picked her up by propping her up on her bottom. "Fine, you can go to sleep..I'll carry you home." 

A gentle smile spread across her face before burying her head in the crook of my neck as pink uncontrollably bloomed onto my face.

"Thanks Suki..."

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