(46) One-Time Invitation

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(Extra long chapter as a special for over 700 views!!)


"WHATTTTT?!" I turned to Y/n. "You never told me you had a brother!!" She shrugged. "You never asked.." "Yeah but still-" I violently ran my hands through my hair. "Damn you y/n..."

Ryu laughed and patted my head again as I rambled on. "Cut it out-!" 

As red covered my face, I protested, watching him innocently smile back at me, giving me the same bright smile Y/n gives me. Damn this family... 

He paced around me in circles. "I'm surprised little sis, you caught a good one." She pulled at my cheeks, forcing me to make a puffer face. "You know it's not like that Ryu." He smirked. "Oh yeah? Two teenagers living together in one house, by themselves 90% of the time and you're telling me nothing happened?" He scoffed. "You can't fool me." 

We paused and snuck a glance at each other through our peripheral vision. "Wait a minute..." He sniffed my hoodie. "What the fuck..." I took a hesitant step back as he turned towards Y/n, alarmed. "Is he the same guy, from the other day that you-!" She quickly hushed him by covering his mouth with her sleeve. "Mmm. MMm." I raised my eyebrows. "Y/n what is he talking about? Tell me. Now. You have 3 seconds. 3..2.." She fidgeted with her fingers and bit her fingernails. "Fine, fine! The other day I couldn't find you so I asked my brother who just showed up in town to help me look for you. His quirk is called 5 senses..he has enhanced scent, touch, hearing, taste etc. So I had him sniff your hoodie and tell me where to find you. Sorry I was desperate..." 

I bent my head back in a slight chuckle. "Damn so that's how you found me.."

Before we were covered in complete silence, Y/n's reminder clock rang. "Crap, the dance! Let's go!" She tugged at my sleeves but I just rolled my eyes. "I'm not going anymore." "What- why?!" She adjusted her heels as I shrugged. "No reason. I'll see you later, have fun I guess.." She crossed her arms in utter disappointment, as she dangerously glared me down. "Fine." She patted down her hair and ran out the door in her heels. "Suit yourself!"

I smiled lightly as soon as she turned around, admiring her figure from afar. 

Ryu stood at the doorway. "You like her don't you-- my sister." "W-What I- that's ridiculous." He ran his hands through his hair chuckling. "It's impossible to lie to me. My 5 senses are so good I can smell a lie. So answer honestly and save me the trouble." 

I sighed and covered my face. "Yeah...I do..so what about it!? It's not like I'm the only guy in her life anyway...Pikachu." "Oh," he shrugged. "A competitor. That's always tough. Just remember the key to my sister is actions, physical touch and quality time. So even if you're not someone who's good at expressing their feelings through words, if you show her that you care and that she should point only towards you..you'll be the only guy left in her heart." His smile quickly faded as he grabbed me by my collar. "But any funny business. Any stepping out of line, making her cry, or breaking her heart, and your face will be the first thing I break. GOT IT?!" I smirked. "I'm starting to like you. Finally someone who can match my energy."

He set me down and dusted off my clothes. "Well, what are you waiting for, let's go get you ready for that partayyy!!" A mini spark popped in my hand. "Wait what-?!"


I stomped confidently into the party, hands stuffed inside the pockets of my new black and red suit as people stopped to stare at me. I slowly scanned the room, looking at the disco ball and then down at the DJ, but something, no, rather someone caught my eye.

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