(28) Save Me

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I kept my eyes peeled for y/n, for her to blast out of the water, for something, anything. But all I could see were the violent ripples of the water.


Jiro just stood frozen in shock looking down at the water. She tugged my shirt, a tear dripping down her face. "Bakugo....I-I don't think she can s-swim.."

"WHAT?!" I yelled. "THIS FUCKING IDIOT! SHE SHOULDN'T HAVE JUMPED." I struggled to hold back the stupid water thingy that was forcing it's way down my cheeks.

Denki put a hand in front of me, blocking my path. "I'll go sav-" 

"No." I cut him off and pushed him to the side, fighting the urge to get into an argument with him for y/n's sake. "I'm going to be the one to save her."

I ripped off my shirt and dived into the water to rescue her without a second thought.


Just when I thought it was all over..when I was no longer able to breathe, and when my lungs were practically on fire, I saw a blurred figure enter the water, quickly diving towards me.

He..I think it was a he..held out his hand to me- but my body was too limp to grab it. All I could do was stare and admire him as he tried his best to save me.

My eyes closed shut, seemingly accepting my fate.

But he, or whoever that person was, wouldn't let that go down.

I felt a big muscular arm wrap itself around my waist, pulling me up. My head rested against this person's chest- I recognized this warm feeling.



I gasped for air as I hauled y/n up, laying her out on the floor.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Lida got down and checked her pulse, overcome with panic as he realized that there was no pulse. None at all.

I looked him dead in the eye, worry overtaking my previously angry expression. "What do you mean there's no pulse?!" I shook her body aggressively, trying to find a heartbeat, a pulse, anything to let me know she was alive.

How did the situation change from an obstacle course to this so quickly?

"Y/N!!" A tear ran down my face. There was no way she could be dead. I wasn't allowing it. "Y/N THIS ISN'T FUNNY. GET UP DUMBASS!! YOU CAN'T BE DEAD, NOT YET! NOT OVER SOMETHING SILLY LIKE THIS! I'LL KILL YOU GODDAMMIT!" Mina screamed out. "SOMEONE JUST TRY CPR OR SOMETHING! ANYTHING! PLEASE.." Jiro backed her up. "Bakugo...were counting on you..!" Huh? ME?! I paused as red covered my cheeks. "FUCK!!!"

I lowered my face down to hers, pressing my lips gently against her soft lips- doing my best to perform CPR as we went mouth to mouth.

..My first kiss.. (/////)

Blood pounded in my ear and my body froze, still tense.

I pulled away just as a spurt of water came from her mouth and she started hacking, gasping for air. But she was breathing, she was really breathing!

I wrapped my arms around her embracing her into a tight hug. Thank god.. I buried my face into the crook of her neck, squeezing the living shit out of her. "Fuck you!!"

She coughed multiple times. "Kastuki I-I can't breathe! T-Too tight!" I ignored her. "S-shut up!" And continued to hug her as her body surprisingly relaxed. She teased. "I guess you were really worried about me, huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "So what if I was..!"

I felt her cheeks burn up. "Eh?!? Did I hear that right?!" We finally made eye contact, but I broke my gaze, pulling myself away from her.  "What." She smiled in awe. "Y-You agreed with me!! You admitted it-! HAHAHHHAHHA FINALLY!" I flicked her in the forehead. "S-Shut up! It's only because I thought you were going to die dumbass..!"

"Awww really?" She ran her hand through the softer part of my hair, creating a satisfied rumble deep within my chest. "You know I can't die that easily. Plus that would be a sad way to die. Dunno about you but I wanna die protecting someone I love in battle." She winked at me as she successfully attempted to stand- leaning on me for support.

As she stood, everyone, including kids from class 1-B cheered for her. As they should. 

But all the cheering stopped when Jiro came over and smacked her across the face, eyes puffy and swollen. "Don't do that again bitch!" Y/n laughed, touching her face in awe. She isn't mad?

"Hey! What happened to never hurting a patient?!" Jiro threw her earphones on the ground. "I hate you!!" she said as she literally pushed me to the side and tackled y/n with a hug.

Denki followed. "I'm so glad you're alright y/n." She laughed, "Me too.." as she smiled brightly at him, holding both his hands in hers. I grumbled. What the fuck, I'm the one who saved her. 

I walked in between them, breaking their grasp on each other's hand. "That's enough, I'm taking her home." Denki snarled. "Why should you be the one to take her home?! I'll do it. Worry about yourself." What did he just say to me?! I pushed him back. "No. YOU SHOULD WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF. She is none of your business." He smirked. "Oh yeah?! Well lets have y/n decide." A drop of sweat ran down her face. "C-C'mon guys, it's not even that serious.." 

"Choose." I grumbled.

She rubbed the back of her head, moving the hair out of her face. "I- uhm- Denki I-I don't want to inconvenience you...Bakugo and I are uh n-neighbors so it will be easier if he takes me home...." 

"Denki...." He shushed her. "It's fine. I see how it is." "Good to hear." I smirked.

He rolled his eyes, narrowing his eyebrows. If that damn pikachu rolls his eyes one more time I will make sure it STAYS there, PERMANENTLY.

I grabbed y/n's wrist and dragged her off. "All might, Aizawa, Midnight, were leaving. She has to rest." They nodded their head in approval as I grabbed my towel from the bench and threw it over her head. "Here, you're still wet." 

She flailed her arms in front of her like a zombie."H-Hey! I can't see!" And moved the towel out of her face. "Wait, did you already use this towel, it feels wet!" "Tch, fine if you don't want it, I'll take it back!" I reached for the towel but she smacked my hand away, "No, I want it."  "..." 

As we approached the exit, Mina called out. "Y/n! Don't worry about the thing today, get some rest, cya tomorrow." What is she talking about. "What thing?" I asked her. "Eh nothing important." I walked ahead of her. "Fine! Don't tell me." She smiled. "I won't." Tch.

Once we walked out of the building it became kinda silent. 

My cheeks flushed as the kiss from earlier replayed in my head. 

After a few minutes she mumbled. "..So what are you gonna do for me today..?" Huh? Do what? "What do you mean idiot, I just saved your life!" She stuttered. "Y-Yeah well you stole my first k-kiss..so you owe me!" she touched her bottom lip and stared at the ground, her face turning tomato red. So she was thinking about that too? And..it was also her first kiss.. damn..

"..." I stopped in place and held out my hand, my heart racing. "Do you trust me?" 

"What..what do you mean.." She hesitated.

 "I'll ask again."


"Do you trust me?"

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