(76) Be There For You

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"Katsuki..." I walked into his FINALLY UNLOCKED room while he layed on his bed, his back facing me with his covers pulled over his head. "Hey uhm..I made you some porridge and a hot cup of tea." I said as I walked over to him. His voice cracked. "Go away." He said coldly. "I didn't need you before and I don't now." I knew that was a lie. He knocked the bowl of porridge on the floor and spilled the hot tea on me. "Ouch!" I winced and rubbed the burn spot.

Usually in situations like these he'd turn around without a second thought to see if I'm okay, but now he didn't even turn around to check on me. My voice cracked. "It's okay..it doesn't really hurt." I said. "It should heal in a few minutes."

He scoffed "Tsk." And jumped out of bed, throwing his cover off him. 

He glared at me with a type of cold eyes I've never seen before and grabbed my arm looking at the burn spot. "Dumbass." His eyes were puffy, I could tell he'd just finished crying. "This is why I told you to leave.." He looked away. "But I can't just.." I trailed off. "Yes you can!" He shut his eyes. "GO! PLEASE JUST..leave me alone..!" he cried, barking in fury. 

"She was my mother too..!"

I started to cry as well, ignoring him and banging harshly on his chest. "Why..why won't you just let me in..?" Why, why, why I repeated in my head. I rambled on. "It feels like I got to the door of your heart but I still have to go through the guards, the d-double the triple and quadruple lock!" Why? I tried banging on his chest again but this time he caught my arm.

"It isn't any of your business! So leave! Y/n.. please I don't want you to see me like this..!" He yelled, his throat dry, and his eyes puffy red as tears streamed down his face. "It's embarrassing! I feel so weak and vulnerable..I never wanted you to see this side of me.."

Me, I'm the first one to see this crying face of his.

I sniffled and pulled his head closer to me. "I won't, no actually I can't leave you no matter what side of you I see or what you say because you mean the entire world to me. I cry when you cry, I laugh when you laugh and I smile when you smile." He clenched his teeth desperately trying to hold back tears. "I know what it's like to feel pain or to lose someone you care about deeply. Katsuki, I know how much your...our mom meant to you. But what I also know is that the hole in your heart closes over time. If the gap in your chest is too big for 1 thing to fill in you can get a million— no maybe a hundred million things in order to close that gap. You have me, Kirishima, Deku, Todoroki and the others and we don't plan on going anywhere." I paused.

"And I'll continue to embrace your vulnerabilities because they are a part of this relationship. It doesn't make you look stronger or weaker, at least not in my eyes. No matter what, you still are the Katsuki I know..So please don't act strong or put on a face in front of me...I wanna be there for you when your not okay, I want you to cry in my arms when your sad, I want to stay by your side when your at your worst and I want you to be able to trust me.. I promise that I'll never hurt you, leave you, or leave a scar on your heart." I cried and shut my eyes.

"Because.. I love you and that will never change!"


My eyes widened and a single tear glistened down my cheek.

I slumped down, arm over my knee. She got down and sat next to me on the bed, running her hand through my hair. She comforted me without saying a word. And for a moment it was silent until I finally tapped her side. Dammit, I really do have the best girlfriend..

"Y-y/n.." I cried. "Y/n, y-y/n.." I reached out for her and wrapped my arms tightly around her waist, burying my face into her huge chest. Wide eyed she smiled and patted my head. "Shhh, it's gonna be okay Katsu.." she rubbed my back and layed her head on top of mine. "What am I gonna do without mom..?! Dad barely comes and-" I couldn't find the right words to say.

She cupped my face and butted my head. "Don't worry because I'll be there for you. I'll be there whenever you need me." I cried harder, gripping the back of her shirt. "I l-love you. D-don't l-leave me." She held my hand tightly. "Okay." And that's all I needed to hear.

After 10 more minutes she tried pulling away but I wouldn't let her. I squeezed her tightly. "Just for a little longer.." I rested my head on her shoulder and nuzzled at her neck as she kissed my forehead. "Let it all out Katsu." She said. Tears streamed down faster and faster down my face. "AGGHHHH" I yelped in frustration, accidentally exploding a painting on the wall. "Why did she have to go..? I only wish that I was better to her...I didn't think that she'd disappear so soon...I never answered when she said "I love you" or "good morning", and I never said 'thank you" when she did something for me. God I'm so fucking bad at showing how I feel..!"

Y/n rubbed comforting circles on my back. "I know, I know." she said soothingly, which oddly made my tears vanish. I stared up at her then down at her rosy red lips.

"..Kiss me." I said, and she did.

It felt like my whole world had just lit up, adrenaline running through my veins.

Her kiss, which now tasted like salt from all our crying easily relaxed my body, letting me know that her touch was what I needed right now.

She traced her thumb down my spine making my eyes widen. Shit my weak spot. When did she find it?! A deep purr resonated from within my chest. She chuckled, "Katsu, did I hit the spot?" My ears turned red as she did it once more. "~Y-y/n.." I moaned her name and she turned bright pink. Crap! Shit! Fuck! I mesmerizingly stroked the side of her face but then removed my hand in effort to hold myself back. "Katsu..." she said as her hot breath warmed my skin.

Shit! How am I supposed to hold back when she says my name like that?!

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