(2) Her Rare Nightmare

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"DAD!" you screamed as you jolted straight up, cold sweat streaming down your face.

Dazed you looked around your room as you saw vases cracked, tables and chairs knocked over and shattered glass spread out across the floor from the millions of cups you had  in your room.

That nightmare..it's been a while since I've seen it..

Not ready to get up, you lay on your bed looking up at the ceiling for a while deep in thought.

You pulled your covers over your head and groaned.

Hopefully today goes smoothly..

Man, I can't believe today is going to be my first day at UA.. I wish dad was here to see this..

You thought almost proudly as your eyes began to water.

As you thought back to all the time you spent training and all the moments you spent with your dad, you couldn't help but smile. Unfortunately, these feelings were short-lived as they were  rudely interrupted by the loud bang of footsteps and the lights in the hallway turning on.

Oh lord, here we go again...

As your mother entered, you shifted your eyes to avoid her piercing gaze.

"Y/n, you brat! What is all this!" she yelled.

You immediately looked down, a sense of nervousness crashing over you. You couldn't stop yourself from fidgeting with your fingers.


"I'm s-sorry..I had a nightmare again..and I might've a-accidentally released my quirk in my sleep.." you mumbled kind of under your breath.

"It was an accident. It's always an 'accident' with you! Tch. Twenty more lashes once you get home and no food for three days." she threatened.

"But mom-" you grabbed her wrist but hesitated in disbelief of your own actions.

Wide eyed she shook off your arm and looked you dead in the eye. "Don't call me that. You're no child of mine."

You could only stare at her as she swung the door open and stormed out of the room.

Once she left, a loud exasperated sigh escaped from your mouth. You didn't realize you'd been holding your breath this whole time.

I don't know why I'm still so surprised. She's been like this. Well not forever, just ever since dad passed away a few years ago.

Heck, ever since dad died life's been a blur and moms made it a daily routine to whip me whenever she has the chance.

At times it feels like both my parents passed away.

This was one of these times.

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