(31) Falling For You

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I stared at the screen jaw dropped as I tried to continue on the conversation, not wanting this time to end with him so quickly. "So they just ended it like that?!"

"C'MONNNN THIS IS BULLSHIT!" He face palmed himself in the head. "No matter how many times I watch this, I still don't understand WHY THEY HAD TO KILL OFF THE BEST CHARACTER!" We simultaneously threw a pillow at the tv. "FOR REAL!"

Bakugo grabbed the remote and turned the tv off, using the flashlight on his phone to light up the room. He sighed. "It's getting late, let's go to sleep." I nodded my head and silently got up, not even beginning to take a step towards the room.

Bakugo quickly noticed this and stopped to wait for me at the stairs. "Well. What are you waiting for?" I felt a strange lump in my throat as I nervously fidgeted with my fingers.

He continued his interrogation. "You realize the movie is over right?" I just stood there, staring at him with a stuffed animal in my hand. "Y/n. Aren't you gonna answer me?"

I hesitated. "D-do you think...that I can maybe uhm..." He raised his eyebrows in confusion as he awaited my answer. "uhm.." I paused, trying to figure out how to phrase the rest of my sentence.

"Spit it out already." he tapped his foot impatiently as a bright shade of red spread across both our faces. "..." I closed my eyes shut and took a deep breath before I blurted out. "C-can I sleep with you again..!" He paused in utter shock. "What..?!"

I continued. "Actually..what I meant was..can I always sleep with you..?" He didn't respond back so I took that as a sign to continue. "Usually I have tons of nightmares when I sleep..so much that at some point in my life, I started sleep depriving myself because I was afraid of.." I paused. "Afraid of what would happen when I shut my eyes.. But then, that one night with you...when I cuddled against you, held in your arms..that was the first time I felt safe, the first time I didn't have any nightmares. So please..let me sleep with you.."

He covered his face in embarrassment. "You really didn't have to explain yourself to me.." I heard him chuckle. "You wouldn't take no for an answer anyway, would you?"

I sighed in relief as he walked over to me and slapped my stuffed animal out of my hand. "H-Hey what are you..." He grabbed hold of my wrist as he dragged me towards the stairs. "You won't be needing that anymore.." he mumbled. "Cuz now you have me.."

My face flushed at his words. "C'mon then, let's go." We walked quietly up the stairs, only creating squeaking noises every here and there.

He kicked open the door to his room, handing me a new soft set of pajamas. "Wear this, I'll be back." He went out to change in the bathroom. "Let me know when you finish."

By the time he got back, I was already on his bed underneath the covers. He hopped in, "So where do you want me?" I stammered. "It uh doesn't matter, I just uhm want to be.." He finished my sentence easily as if he had read my mind. "Close to me?" I nodded my head.

He slid underneath the covers making my eyes widen. I felt absolutely paralyzed until he finally snuggled me and wrapped himself around my body, crossing our ankles together.

He blushed. "I can make that happen."As my head rested on his chest, closing my eyes shut. "Thanks Baku."


I watched her fall sound asleep on my chest muttering "unicorns..pretty.."

I smiled at her comment. Cute..

As she hugged me tighter in her sleep I realized something. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a while. It explained how I'm so comfortable around her, how easy it is for her to get me to smile, why I feel protective over her, and I guess why I let her sleep with me.

I kissed her forehead as I pressed my lips to her ear. "Night..dork."

I finally got it now..


This feeling...it's called love right?

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