(9) Secrets Revealed

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I got up and rubbed my eyes. "So you're finally awake, huh?" Bakugo said as he gave me a weak smile with his eyes half open. "How are you feeling dork..?" The dark circles under his eyes became more and more visible after every passing moment. Did he stay up all night?

I patted his head. "It's okay Bakugo, that's enough, you can go to sleep now." It looked like he considered taking me up on the offer, but decided against it. "N-Not until we figure out what's wrong...I need to keep..my rival safe, so I can beat your ass next time. Never met a girl at strong and stupid."

I smiled even though that last sentence kinda pissed me off. "Thanks but you don't have to...Besides aren't I just your rival? Why are you doing so much to help me anyways? Ya know, I just met you yesterday..." He took a deep shaky breath. "It's because you...." My ears strained, I leaned in closer. "Sorry can you repeat that again?" He looked out the window and mumbled. "It's because you remind me of someone I-I used to know..."

So that's why...

I wonder, was it someone who was really important to him? What were they like? How do I remind him of them? AGHHHHHHHH

Millions of questions swarmed through my head, I couldn't decide which ones to ask.

He slumped on the couch. "Jeez, just where is this old hag?"

Clanked footsteps boomed outside our door. "Who are you calling an old hag?" A short lady with gray hair and a human sized needle which she used as a walking stick said as she walked into the room. Bakugo sat up and leaned back in his seat. "Finally..." he groaned.

She wiped her forehead with a napkin. "Sorry for the delay, there were patients on floor 1, 5, 7, 9, and 12 who needed immediate assistance." A drop of sweat trickled down her face.

She bowed and turned towards me. "Name?" "Uhm, y/n." I said softly. I scratched the back of my head, "So what seems to be the matter y/n?" Nurse Chiyo questioned. "Huh?" I dazed off. She repeated herself. "What's the matter with you?" "Oh." I said. "It's just that my leg suddenly turned purple." She raised an eyebrow. "Purple?! Out of nowhere?" I took a second to think about it, "Yes I believe." She quickly scribbled a few more things on her notebook before she started asking questions again. "Do you feel any lumps, pain, or anything in your leg?" "No, not as of right now, it hurts when I stand though." I replied.

She rubbed her chin. "Hmmm, okay y/n, do you mind if I take a look?" I nodded my head and rolled up the cuffs of my pants. Mrs. Chiyo's big grin from earlier was wiped off her face.

"Uhm Mrs. Chiyo..." Bakugo butted in. "I think this may have been my fault. It turned purple right after we fought. I think I might have---" "No." She paused. "Those aren't burn marks Bakugo." She looked at the monitor and back at me. "Those are lashes, belt lashes and grazed glass to be specific." Faded scars from over the years covered every inch of my leg.

Bakugo narrowed his eyebrows. "Why is it purple then?" She hesitated. "A-After a kid is constantly and excessively abused or hit in the same area for a few years the whole leg turns purple. We call this...stage 3 hydroexstealioma." Bakugo seemed worried. "Then how do you treat it?! I can't let her leg fall off!" Mrs. Chiyo chuckled. "Bakugo's finally got himself a girlfriend eh? Thank god."

We both yelled in unison. "WERE NOT DATING!" "Okok whatever" she said as she looked back down at my leg.

This is weird. They both stared at me in silence as if waiting for me to say something.

"I suggest clothremiziatic, put that oitment over your leg for 2 weeks and it should get better. However, anymore beatings in that area before 2 weeks is over, will make it revert to its original state." She paused. "Well...I'll let u guys talk.."

I tried to cover my face with my hair but Bakugo swatted my hand away and glared at me. His eyes seemed with fury.

"Y/n, is there anything you want to tell me?!" I fidgeted with my fingers. "No..."

He slammed the wall. "Dammit y/n, I still dont get why you didn't just tell me this earlier! I wouldve held off on fighting you and beated those stupid ass parents of yours!"

I yelled. "How exactly was I supposed to tell you, you realize I only met you yesterday right?! You wanted me to randomly come up to you and say 'hey Bakugo, did you know that my parent abuses me?! Like what the hell?! Plus I didn't even know it was that bad!" He rolled his eyes.

"Fine, okay whatever. But now that I know, you will be staying at my place for a week. You heard how bad it was. Plus, my parents are out of town." He wrote down his address and threw it at me.

I scoffed. "Thanks but no thanks. I'm not gonna stay at a boys house alone for a full week. I'd rather sleep outside." He scoffed back. "As if I'd do anything to you." I mimicked his words and rolled my eyes.

"Fine have it your way then, as if I care what happens to you! Your leg can stay ugly and purple for all I care. So good luck with that!" He stormed out of the room. I could of sworn he cursed under his breath. "Weirdo." I said.

Wait a minute...Oh shoot! Moms on her way back home now! I looked at the clock.

Can I make it?

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