(40) Finding you

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"FUCK!" I kicked my locker as I retreated to the other side of the corridor, going slowly with my head bowed till I heard a voice, her voice.

She jogged to catch up to me. "Oh, Bakugo! There you are... I was uhm looking for you.." I ignored her and slammed the door to the exit open, walking out into the cool afternoon breeze.

"Bakugo! Wait up!!" I whipped my head around, eyes laced with fury. "WHAT! WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" She stood there taken aback. "Damn..why are you yelling at me? What did I do?!" I scoffed and turned my head back around. "Tch, if you don't know then just leave me the hell alone!!" She tried to protest but I raised my voice. "YOU KNOW WHAT, WHY DON'T YOU JUST HANG OUT WITH DENKI OR SOMETHING?!" "What?"

I powered up my explosion quirk, generating heat below my feet as I blasted off into the sky. "Bakugo, you know I can't fly that high! Come down!" She yelled out to me but I didn't care.

I clenched my fists. There was nothing she could say that could reverse that image of him holding her in his arms as she welcomed his embrace. 

Gray clouded my thoughts as I headed to the spot. The one spot that made me calm.


"Bakugo!!" I ran down the block as fast as I could, doing my best to follow him. What is his problem, why did he suddenly mention Denki... His voice rung over and over in my head. "Leave me the hell alone!"  Get out! Get out! I shook my head trying to remove the memory from my thoughts as I propelled myself forward using my wind quirk.

From the corner of my eye, I saw a glimpse of yellow hair. "Ryu!!" I yelled as I ran to him, taking a short detour. "What?" He stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Could you do me a favor? Please..." He rolled his eyes. "What now y/n? And no I'm not going to ask mom something for you." I smacked his shoulder, "No idiot! I need you to track someone's scent for me using your tracking quirk..I'm trying to find someone." He palmed his head. "Fine. Only this one time y/n. But I need something with that persons scent on it." I showed him Bakugo's hoodie as he sniffed the hood of it. "A boy?! Is it your boyfriend? What did I tell you about having a boyfriend!! No asshole is going to get close to my sister! Tch!" I pinched his ear. "Ryu, I don't have time for this, where is he?!" He rolled his eyes. "5 blocks down, 3 blocks to the right, 2 blocks straight, 8 blocks to your left and a one more block down." I jumped up and kissed his cheek. "I knew I missed you!"

By the time I disappeared down the last block, following Ryu's directions, the sun had already set. I walked around looking for a glimpse of his blonde strands as I repeatedly called out his name. "Bakugo!! Bakugo!! Where are you?!" But no response. 

The city was vibrant. 

There were street entertainers, city lights everywhere, tall skyscrapers, and a bunch of high schoolers holding hands with their girlfriends. 

Oddly, it made me wish Bakugo were here, standing next me with that smug expression he always wears. And with that thought, I heard a voice. 

"C'mon Bakugo just try it! It may be our last chance to just hang out with some hot girls!!" "Shut the hell up." The other guy replied. "Man, don't be a buzzkill, we haven't seen you in like a year."  I heard another scoff. "What do you have a girlfriend or something?" "Akashi, just go to hell."

My eyes widened. That last voice, I was positive that was Bakugo's voice. 

I frantically scanned around the area. Where is he? And then, from the corner of my eye, I saw those blonde strands I'd been looking so hard to find. I ran as fast as I could in his direction, a smile spreading across my face. And for the last time tonight, I chanted his name. "Bakugo!!" 

Alarmed he whipped his head around, smoking a cigarette. "I-I finally found you.." Laughter erupted from the horde of gangster boys he was surrounded by. "Whose this cute little thing? Is it your girlfriend or maybe a secret admirer?" I ignored them and yanked the cigarette from Bakugo's mouth. "Y/n-" I cut him off. "It's bad for you."

He rolled his eyes. "What the hell are you doing here? Go home. Now." His words pierced through me like a sharp blade, but I shook my head and stood my ground. "No." A tear ran down my face. "I spent so much time running around just so I could find you...It's not fair! You just suddenly ran off, and implied that you were mad at me but you aren't even telling me what I did! So if you want me to go home, you have to come too!" His gangster friends chuckled. "Ooh a feisty one..and her boobs aren't small either..you won't mind if we take her for a spin right?" 

Bakugo's crimson eyes turned to slits as he faced them and punched them all smack in the face, one by one. "What did I tell you? Watch it. This one's mine." 

As he grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the block, I reddened.

After a few more blocks, he stopped and bent down at the side of the road, stroking the pelt of a stray black cat. "Are you into cats?" He ignored me and pulled out some cat food from his pocket as the cat rubbed comfortably against his hand. 

While the cat gobbled down the food, Bakugo stood up and walked away to lay on the side of the hill, looking up at the bright stars. 

I followed and layed down next to him, waiting for him to say something. 

His voice sounded dead and worn out. "Don't cry in front of other people okay?" I kicked him in the shin. "The only reason I cried is because of you!" "Oh really?" He turned his head toward me. "Don't follow me next time. It's dangerous." I cheekily grinned. "I can fight you know." 

"Tch," He scoffed. Suddenly my body was pinned to the ground and Bakugo's lips were no less than an inch away from mine. "What if they did this..?" 

You Belong With Me | bakugo x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora