(58) She/He's Mine~

915 16 61

(One of my favorite chapters to write honestly)


The rest of the day flew by fast, well except for last period math that is.

Ughhh I don't get this at all! I closed my book and stared at the clock. "20 minutes left..."

I watched as Bakugo slumped down on his desk and started tapping his broken pencil. His face read "I'm bored" all over it. He turned to face me, head still on the desk and pouted. 

Aww he looks so cute with his cheeks puffed out like that..

We both made eye contact and I smiled at him.

"Bakugo is there something back there?" Mr. Aizawa said while glaring at me.

I looked down at the floor and scratched the back of my head.


To my surprise Bakugo answered. He ran his hand through his fluffy blonde hair and cleared his throat making a few of the girls squeal. It pissed me off but I decided to let it go because no one knew we were dating yet except for Mina and Kirishima.

Bakugo pointed at me and winked. I slid down in my chair, flushed. Is he gonna say it? 

Mr. Aizawa scowled and raised an eyebrow. "Is there anything you wish to say Bakugo?"

Bakugo paused as if he was contemplating what to do. 

He looked up at the ceiling and covered his eyes with his hands. "Yeah, I do.." 

Ahhhhh I can't take this anymore! Is he gonna say it? Or is he gonna keep quiet? Ahhhhhhhhhhh!

Bakugo faced towards me and smirked.

"Do you have an extra heart? Because mines just been stolen."

"Huh?" It took a while for me to process what he said, but when I did, I laughed so hard I rolled on the floor. "HAHAHHAHA" "Pftttttt" Did Bakugo really just say a pick up line?! Bakugo covered his face in embarrassment. "You know what?! I'm never saying something like that again!" I laughed harder. "N-no- HAHA- say another one- Pftttt!"

A few of the girls got upset. "Wait, was he saying that to Y/n?!" "What in the world, are they... dating?!" "No way..maybe that was a confession?!" Deku and Uraraka smirked and went "Ooooo lala~" making me even more embarrassed.

Bakugo removed his hand from his face though it was still red and walked over to me. 

He set his hand over my head and ruffled my hair making everybody gasp— including me. "What I mean is..me and this dumbass teddy bear are dating." Did he just call me a teddy bear in front of the whole class?! Ahhhhhhhh I can't take this anymore!!

He bent down till he was leveled with my face and removed a strand of hair from in front of my eyes, kissing my forehead. My eyes widened. "And from now on anybody who makes her feel insecure, or threatens her well-being will have to answer to me." He scowled. "Hurting her is like hurting me." Flushed I whispered into his ear. "Bakugo you don't have to.." He cut me off and grabbed a tight hold of my hand. "Lastly.." he glared at Denki. "She's mine." 

Denki visibly rolled his eyes and slammed his hand on the desk. "Fuck!" He said.

And maybe it was because of the heat of the moment, but either way I stood up out of my seat and stomped. "Yeah! And that means no more gifts, chocolates, or trying to make passes at MY man! I'm looking at you girly's!" I yelled, kissed him on the cheek and put a protective arm in front of him. "He's mine!" I aggressively pointed and glared at random people in the classroom then crossed my arms and deeply exhaled. "Piss off!"

You Belong With Me | bakugo x readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ