(62) Relationships

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The next morning, I woke up extra early to play video games with Kirishima. He spammed the controller as I yelled. "HEY! LEARN TO ACTUALLY PLAY! THAT'S NOT FAIR!" 

He chuckled as he threw his controller across the room in triumph while a big 'Winner' sign occupied his side of the screen. "FUCK YOU. I'M GOING TO GET WATER!" 

As I turned the fosset on, filling up my 'plus ultra' cup with water I heard screams coming from the living room, and I spotted Mina sitting in the corner with a pout on her face. 

"I hate you so freaking much! Why do you always do that?! "I appeared through the door as Kirishima simply patted her head and layed his head on her lap. "Okay, I don't care how much we argue, you're still my baby, and you aren't going anywhere." She rolled her eyes, "Whatever" as he grabbed her hand. "Keep your attitude, I don't care, I can handle it." 

I stared back at them as I sat down on the couch. "Is everything alright?" Kirishima sighed a "yeah", grabbed his stuff, and walked outside the door. 

"Bro, wait up!" Before I left, I turned my head back to where Mina was just sitting.

"Mina, make sure Y/n is up and tell her I'll see her at school." "Okay," she shrugged as I sprinted out the door and followed Kirishima down the block.

"Bro, what the hell is wrong with you? Why are you acting like me now? I've never seen you and raccoon eyes argue." He sighed and took out his phone to avoid eye contact with me. 

The cold breeze brushed across my face.

"Do you... like Y/n?"

My eyes widened, startled at his question. 

"O-Of course I..I like her-! She's my girlfriend, no shit." 

He walked on the side of the street with his head down. "Yeah, but why?" 

I mumbled. "What do you mean why..?! That's easy...I like her because she makes me wanna be a better person I guess... When I'm with her, I don't have to hide who I really am because I know that she'll embrace me even in my darkest moments...And her smile...god...her damn smile is my fucking symbol of happiness..." I paused in a low growl. 

"I learned the true meaning of l-love-e with her.."

I heard the sound of a recording button and quickly turned to Kirishima. "oops."

My eyes widened. "Did you-" 

He gave me his guilty eye look as I jumped on top of him reaching for the phone. "GIVE ME THAT! YOU BETTER DELETE I SWEAR!!" 

"Fine, fine, I will," He chuckled as he switched the hand his phone was in.

I eased back down and sighed because people started looking at us. "What about you? What do you like about her?" He ran his hands furiously through his hair and his voice cracked. 

"I-It must sound so stupid..but I-I d-don't know.." 

He face-palmed himself in the head. 

"I don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore! I saw her with another guy..and she said something about how she was sad because we act more like friends then lovers..and since then I've been thrown off..I really have no idea how to act more like her boyfriend...but every time I try..I keep making it worse.." He cried into his palm. "Bakugo...I really don't want to lose her..."

It never occurred to me the Kirishima could cry. Even from the time we were little, this was my first time seeing him cry. But damn, when did I become a therapist?

I punched him in the arm rubbing the bridge of my nose. 

"How do you feel when you are with her?" He shrugged. "Happy, filled...and it's like I don't need anyone else in my life.." I barked. "C'mon, give me more! I know that's not all!" 

He clenched his eyes shut and screamed out. "GOD! I'M IN LOVE WITH HOW GENTLE SHE IS WITH ME, HOW SHE DOES EVERYTHING WITH EASE, HOW COMFORTING AND REFRESHING SHE IS TO HAVE AROUND, AND HOW BRIGHT SHE IS..!" I smacked him over the head. "See? You always knew that, but if you have any balls, you'll tell her tonight before you really do lose her."


About 30 minutes later, I arrived at the school with Mina. 

As I turned the corner of the hallway into our classroom, Momo's voice caught my attention. "Good morning Y/n!" I mumbled. "Morning..." 

My response was tired and unenthusiastic, like damn, how could you be so cheery so early in the morning? 8am? Definitely not my time of the day.

Jiro walked across the room to dab me up. "Yooo, my bitch what's good?!" I winked "Your one and only~" back at her as we giggled. "Fam, where have you been? I feel like I haven't seen you in weeks? Mr. Aizawa got a new couch in the classroom and everything!"

Momo walked back up to the both of us as she scratched the back of her head. "Sorry to interrupt, but do you guys want tea before you go to class? I just made a bunch!"🍵🍵

My nostril fill with the sweet scent of the tea. "Mmm~ It smells amazing, but maybe later!"

I spotted Bakugo sitting on Mr. Aizawa's couch as I walked over to him, reaching over the couch to take a chip from Bakugo's bag. He looked up at me. "What the fuck!" "Shut up" I giggle. "You know these are my favorite chips!" He palms his face. "I know! That's why I bought you a whole pack of your own damn chip bags!" I pout. "Ok and?! I wanted some of yours!"

He growls. "Y/n I swear to god give me my shit back-" but I interrupt him by placing my thumb right below his lower lip and yank his collar towards me as his lips slam onto mine and his tense body softened. He says nothing as I reach for his chip back and throw a few in my mouth.

"Haha! Always works!" He flicks my forehead with a scoff. "O-ow, you hot ass whore, that hurt!" He turns. "Huh?! What did you just call me?" I challenge his words, "Want me to say it again?" as I watch a smirk spread across his face from the corner of my eye.

This asshole- he's hot even while pissed off.

I stick my tongue out at him, laughing a little, and making the same funny faces that always gets him flustered. Haha he's so cute and childish.

Denki pauses, clearly annoyed as he drags me to the other side of the room. "Guys for the LOVE of god! Can you stop flirting? Think about us single folks!" 

"Don't fucking touch her Iphone Charger." Bakugo's eyes quickly burn with fury but then settle down just as fast as he gets up to hug me from behind and buries his face in my back.

My cheeks irresistibly flood with warmth. "Wha- all of a sudden-" but I pause as Uraraka points at the both of us. "Awwww~ So cute~" Kirishima continues in agreement. "Whoa bro, so manly 🤩💪!" Red overcomes Bakugo's face. "N-No one asked s-shitty hair!" as Mina sighs. 

"To be honest, when Bakugo's all protective and clingy it's actually kinda cute, we get to see a different side of him. I wish he showed that nice side to all of us though.."

She said as everyone nodded their head continuously as if agreeing with her.

*ring ring ring*

Ugh class already?!  I say to myself disappointed. But I didn't have a choice. That was the first bell, signaling that I had to get to class. 

Everyone fled the room quickly, leaving just me and Bakugo.

"Babe-" We both pause at the sudden nickname. "I- Uhm, that was the bell, we should go-!" He looked finding Mr. Aizawa staring straight at us. "You two, out! And don't forget Bakugo that you have to stay after school and tutor Y/n in math because I know for sure that you two did not study at all during the week!" I roll my eyes, "fine" and head to the next class.

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