(60) First Date <3

722 13 7


We sat down, next to each other in the cafe, as the waitress came by. "What would you two like for today?" Bakugo answered for me. "One explosion burst milkshake and another caramel cookies and cream milkshake." My eyes widened. "How did you know?!"

He simply looked up towards the ceiling. "..I've seen you order it before.."

"Wow," I teased, "You stalked me?"

When I was really more surprised on how he even remembered what I liked.

Flustered he raised his voice. "No! I never said that! Fuck you..."

I laughed hysterically, following that conversation with many others as he told me about some really stupid times he's had with Kiri, Denki, Sero, Deku, Todoroki and the others and I told him some of the really HOT tea from the girls. 


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Today was special, it felt like he really opened up to me, and it made me feel like I've known him for years, when in all honesty, it's only been a few months since we've met.

As the waitress finally came back with our milkshakes he got up, grabbed my wrist and led me out the door with one hand, while slurping on the milkshake with the other.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he quickly kissed my cheek. "The best place in the world." He covered my eyes with his hand. "It's not too far, so bear with me okay?"

He led me up the block, to the right, to the left, down the street, and at this point I was getting impatient, and I wanted to see where we were. "Are we there yet?"

"Almost." He picked me up and powered up his explosions to make us move faster. "3..." he started. "2.....1.." We landed with a thud. "We're here."

As he removed his hands from my eyes, I looked around in pure awe. The entire city was below us, and the view was...magnificent..

I turned to face him, my eyes widened like saucers and my jaw dropped. "How..did you find this place?!" He shrugged. "How else would I be able to stay calm before I met you?"

Suddenly, fireworks lit up the night sky. "Whoaaa..." I mesmerizingly watched as more fireworks shot up into the sky. "Kat..did you plan all this?" He frowned. "I wish..but this part was just a coincidence.." I looked around us, thankful regardless. "It's beautiful.."

I felt his gaze fixated on me as I put my attention on the city below us and the multiple boom of colors. "Yeah..you're right...it is beautiful.." I slowly turned my head towards him surprised at the way he stared at me. "Wha- you-! Stop looking at me like that!" 

Red covered my face as I repeatedly hit his shoulder. "O-ow Ow," He chuckled. "Besides..you're so damn hot, how the hell could I not?!" "You-!" He laughed at my expression and embraced me into a tight hug, in an effort to hide the new mix of embarrassing facial expressions that crept up onto his attractive features. "Wha- Katsuki, I can't b-breathe-"


"S-Shut up!" I gasped as I tightened my grip around her hips.

As the fireworks died down, I took us back down and walked with her back home.

"Hey.." I paused. "Were you surprised when I first asked you out?" "Huh, what do you mean?" she asked. I stuffed my hands into my pockets. "Did you expect it at all? Dummy." 

She shrugged. "Not really." I raised my eyebrows. "No? Well why not. Before then, I tried hard to get your attention ya know.." She scratched the back of her head. "Sorry, I wasn't sure if your feelings were real or not..because you never told me directly.." I comfortably patted her head. "That's just because you're dense." She laughed. "Nahhh, you just suck at properly showing affection! Denki was more straight up with me, in my opinion!" 

"Tch," I grunted. "What do you mean I suck at showing affection?! I don't, you just don't know how to read cues! That's not my fault!" She chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "Okay fine! I know I'm not the most affectionate person ever, you already know that though.." I took a step closer to her. "You want me to be direct? Fine! What if I told you...there are times where I always wanna train with you, cuddle in your arms, cook for you, and I don't know, actually want to spend time with you?!" "Awww" She massaged the back of my neck. 

"So...does that mean you love me?"

It surprised me how freely she was able to use that word. I covered my face in embarrassment.
"Stop, I shouldn't have to say it..just use your brain.." She pouted. 

"I- fine. If it will get you to stop hounding me over it.. Y/n I- damn you..making me say all this mushy shit.." She removed my hands from my face, and locked eye contact with me. "I- I love you okay? I really do.. You're fucking sassy, tough, pretty yet deadly, cute, sweet and I guess.. exactly what I want in a partner.." Her soft smile only made me want to continue. 

"I wanna be with someone who can keep up with me and handle me when I'm upset.. Someone who can make me feel like no one else can.. Y/n..you dumbass...You're it. You're the one.." Her eyes softened. "Damn you..getting me to talk about all this...it makes my chest feel all weird, and fuzzy, and my heartbeat just gets faster and faster.. And when you look at me.." 

Her pupils widened and her eyes fluttered open and closed. "God, cut it out! Don't give me those eyes!" She laughed. "You're so damn cute when you blushhh!" As she caressed the sides of my face making me almost light-headed. "Stop, I'm not blushing! And I'm not cute either! It's just cold out... That's the only reason why I'm so red!" 

"Dumbass..." I paused. "Y/n, even though I'm not the best at showing it, I care about you. Just remember that okay? I might not be able to say this again.." 

I watched as she smiled with a shiver running down her spine. 

"C'mon, let's hurry back. You look like you're freezing." She shook her head. "I'm not I swear!" 

I grabbed her wrist and moved faster down the block. "C'mon, don't give me that, I can see your hands shivering." I took my jacket off and put it over her. "Give me your hands, mine are warm." She immediately grabbed my hand and eased into my touch. "There.. do you feel better now?" She nodded as warmth pulsed through her body. 

"Hey, thanks or whatever..." She smiled. "For what?" 

"For going out with me so suddenly, even if it wasn't for that long...I like spending time with you outside of the house..I guess.. Do you maybe wanna do more things like this? The mall? Movies? Dinner? Amusement Parks? Whatever the hell you want." She linked our arms and tilted her head to rest on my shoulder. "What? Are you trying to ask me out on more dates?" 

I stuttered. "S-Shut up! I'm not asking you on d-dates dummy..I just....Fine, call them whatever you wanna call them! Tch, you really are a pain in the ass.." 

When I saw her slightly hurt expression I paused. 

"B-But that's what I like.. I like your fiery personality and soft words that make me melt. People like you are rare to come across.. You caught my eye from the first day we met, and you're such a step up from all the other extras at UA... The only one I want to call mine, and I mean it." 

Her frown transformed into a bright smile. "Awww your so romantic!" I grunted. "W-Whatever, keep walking or I'm leaving you in the dust!" 

In minutes we arrived back at the house. "I- uh hope you had a good time. I'm gonna stay out for a little longer, and I'll be back in 30 minutes alright?" She nodded her head. "Stay up and wait for me okay? And if I stay out too long call me?" She smiled. "Okay okay, I will." My eyebrows narrowed. "You better, or ill knock down the door!" 

"Sureeeee." She laughed and walked inside, slowly shutting the door.

As soon as she disappeared out of sight I grabbed my chest, feeling my beating heart as I frantically ran down the block. "AAHAHHAHHAH, I REALLY SAID ALL THAT?!"

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