(3) Meeting Bakugo

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You shook your head. "Good thoughts, good thoughts.." as you hopped on the Q35678 bus to school.

Once you arrived, you could barely contain your excitement.

The school was huge!

Your eyes widened as you scanned over every inch of the place.

The 'H' shaped building was surrounded by a fence and an arch in the front. It had huge blue windows, and white columns that seemed to gleam perfectly against the sunlight.

All around the school you could see courtyards where people sat on benches, studied under trees, sparred and for some, rushed in for class.

It was your dream school.

As you spun around, almost captivated in the moment, you nearly bumped into someone.

"Oh my bad sorry-" you apologized.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Watch where you're going bitch!" you heard a squeaky voice say. As you whipped your head around you saw a blonde haired bitch with long wavy hair, blue eyes and enough makeup to last 3 days. She was hot, a movie-star girl kind of hot.

"Jeez. It was an accident, chill." you replied, kind of annoyed.

"Whatever, I don't talk to filthy inelegant peasants anyway. I'm way out of your league." she said while whipping her hair back and then setting her hands on her hips.

"Tch. Well at least I can afford some manners." you retorted. "Like damn you've had all your life to be a jerk, why not take a day off? I'm sure being a pretty pink drama queen is tiring. And hon I don't know what pageant queen shows you're watching but you need to get on an elevator. YOU are not on MY level yet." you said fiercely as you glared down at her before pivoting around and walking into the building.

You looked down at your schedule.

Class 1-A...Where is that?! They could have at least given me a map of the school- Ahhhh I'm gonna be late! And on my first day too! :(

As you walked further into the building you heard squeals and you saw hordes of girls run in one direction carrying chocolates and other wrapped presents.

What is going on?

You pushed your way through the crowd, just enough so you could see what was happening.
All you saw was a normal teenager, no more than 17 years old.

What was the big deal?

As more screams echoed from your side of the hallways he turned his head in your direction and you guys made eye contact.

His eyes were a beautiful shade of crimson red. You found yourself admiring it for a second before you decided to turn away, heading in the opposite direction.

"Cass, did you see that?! He was looking at me!"
"No, he was looking at me!"
"Shut up Jessica, look at you, what makes you think he would look at someone like you!"
"What do you mean. Isn't my face absolutely gorgeous."
"No it's absolutely fake you plastic."
"Oh you little- $&@?!%€£¥#"

He was a LITTLE BIT hot, you had to admit, but c'mon, was he really worth all this.

You thought just as someone tapped your shoulder.

When you turned around you saw a slender and tall, pale-skinned man with messy shoulder-length black hair. He had bangs that partially hanged in front of his face covering his half open black eyes that looked like they hadn't slept in days. He wore many rolls of white bandages that covered his neck as well as the top of his chest. He was no more than 30 to 35 years old.

"Y/n, just the person I was looking for. Follow me." he said in a deep exhausted tone

What the- how does he know my name??

"I'm sorry, but uh do I know you?" you responded.

You found it odd that some random dude wanted you to follow him.

I'm sure I've never seen this dude in my life. Is he trying to kidnap me?

you thought as you took two steps back

"Oh forgive me for not introducing myself. My name is Aizawa Shota and I'm the teacher of class 1-A. Now would you be so kind and follow me? It's way past my nap time."

~~Time Skip~~

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