(53) Crush Confession

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In a fueled rage, I looked around the space I discovered after fleeing the classroom, confirming that I was alone. "FUCK!!" I nearly ripped all my hair out as I angrily knocked down all the desks and chairs, piling them on a corner of the classroom. 

A tear bubbled in my eye-- surprising even me. 

This is for the better right? It's the only way we'll be able to stay together.. Even if it means when she smiles brightly and gives out warm hugs, none of it will be for me..

The shadow of a girls figure appeared outside the room. It was Y/n. She had her hand to her mouth, she was breathing heavily and her voice cracked. "Please...please..I want my feelings to reach you.." I swallowed down the lump in my throat. "Did I.. make you cry?" When I heard no response, I continued on, speaking in a much softer tone. "Leave.. Let's not interact with each other for a while, okay?" I waited for her to disappear from the door but she protested. 

"N-no! I came to find you..." "Y/n-" She cut me off. "I don't want to end it all like this..! Everything we built...every moment we spent together! Please...not like this..." She cried. 

"I-It's hard to put all these feelings into words but when I'm with you...my whole world just feels a little bit brighter.." She laughed half-heartedly. "When we first met, I thought you were a total pain in the ass and that you were selfish...but the more time I spent with you...the more I realized how soft and caring you could be..and how you would always try to protect me..even in my sleep.." She sniffled. "I don't want us to just be friends anymore...Katsuki. And when you kissed me...and hugged me..and protected me..I was hoping you felt the same.." 

My eyes widened, and I stood on the other side of the door, frozen as the eight letters I had so much trouble saying..easily flew from her mouth. "Katsuki..I like you!" 

I momentarily lost balance and stumbled backwards. "You what..?" "I-" She repeated herself, over and over. "I-I like you..I like you..I like you...I like you!" I slid open the door watching her cry in a blushing mess. She covered her face. "I-I don't want you to see me right now...!"

Ignoring her wishes, I grabbed her tiny wrists, removing them from her face so I could pull her into a tight hug. She sobbed and rested her head on my chest as I circled my arms around her waist. "Y/n...the truth is..I also- I also..." 

Denki's figure caught my eye as he pointed to his phone, swiping through the picture proof of us living together. He mouth lipped to me. "Remember the deal..."

I clenched my fists and trapped my eyes shut. "I-I'm sorry y/n, I don't feel the same way.." Denki smirked and retreated back down the other side of the hallway as I pushed her away. "You don't..?" She stared incredibly up at me as tears sparkled in her eyes. "O-Oh..I see. The whole time it was just me.." She gave me a fake smile and ran down the hall.

As she disappeared I slid down the door..head in my hands. Water rushed down my face to the point that it was uncontrollable. Crying..I thought. I'm actually crying..

I screamed out and clenched my fists. "I'm sorry Y/n...it's the only way.."

I sat there for what seemed like hours, staring up at the ceiling with swollen eyes. 

Then suddenly loud footsteps approached my direction and a familiar red-head popped out from the corner of the hallway. "Bakubro?! I've been looking all over for you.."

"Whoa.." When he saw my face..he sat down next to me on the floor. "What the hell happened to you.." I buried my face into my hands. "I want to tell her that I feel the same way about her so bad..but if I do..we might not be able to stay close with each other.." He patted my back. "And if you don't?" My voice cracked. "She'll end up with another guy.." 

"Nisan.." I cried. It's been eight years since I used that name.. "What would you do..?" He shrugged like it was an easy answer. "If I truly loved her..I'd go after her..no matter what."

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