Pink Tulips

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Lol you guys, you weren't supposed to vote, BUT... I've drunk all the tea 🤐😉



The window had a fair tint to it, and it made the outside world looked darker. Street lights went past every second and I didn't even notice it at first, the moon surprisingly still flashes its glamourous silver beacons through the tinted glass. I've always wondered who's the first person to come up with an idea of calling the moon made of cheese, and why cheese? Does cheese usually have silver colour?

I was lost at my on thought, and no, not because I want to know who and why the moon was called cheese. I'm still thinking about my feelings towards them, yes I know I shouldn't be thinking any of these as I'm already with Y/n. I don't know. I don't know!

Taehyung: Sana. Sana~~!

My focus was broken by Tae's hands waving in front of my face.

Sana: Y-yes?

Taehyung: We're here.

He answered it while pointing outside to my right.

Taehyung: Your house.

I followed his finger and saw a dark green gate.

Sana: O-oh yeah, thanks for the ride.

I proceed to open the door and stepped out of the car, Taehyung lowered the window to say goodbye, I did so too, returned his smile and waved. After his car was out of sight I sighed, I didn't really wanna go home right now, I need to get rid of this problem out of my head... Out of my heart...

I opened my phone and went to Jihyo's contact.

Jihyo: Hello?

Sana: Jihyo...

Jihyo: Do you wanna talk about it?

Sana: Mm...

Jihyo: Usual place?

Sana: Yes...

Jihyo: I'm on my way.




I spotted Jihyo in the distance, sitting outside a convenience store, it is our favourite place to come to if we want to share what's on our minds. I've never really talked about my problems with anyone except for her, she always has the best advice and it wouldn't hurt hearing those from her. 

Jihyo looked up from her phone when she heard my footstep getting closer, she took a sip of her drink and fixed herself as I drag a chair back to sit.

Jihyo: Are you okay?

Sana: Yeah.

Jihyo: What is it you wanted to talk about? Y/n?

Sana: Well...yes...

Jihyo: You two aren't fighting, right?

Sana: No no, we're not.

Jihyo: So...?

Sana: Promise you won't get mad...

Jihyo: No I won't.

 I thought for a second whether or not to tell her about this, but I have to. I gulped before answering her question.

Sana: I like...another guy beside Y/n...

Her big round eyes showed that she was surprised and confused at the same time.

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