The Girl

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(Sana POV)

I'm Sana, and you'll learn about me along the way! It's been a day since I arrived and haven't go anywhere, I should've gone around the city yesterday, but I wasn't able to, I was too tired. My dad bought me a mansion for me to live here in Korea but I object, I don't like mansions, what's in it for me anyway? I live here alone, well not really alone, mansions just don't suit me. I'd rather have a decent house, cosiness and comfort is my priority. He still gave me a big house, but small enough to not call it a mansion. Today I'll have a look around the city to feel what it's like being here.

Sana: Diosuke-san, can you give me a ride? I want to see all the places here.

Diosuke: Yes, I'll prepare the car.

Diosuke is my personal assistant, people usually call him a butler and stuff, but I don't like that. He's been with me since I was a little girl, protecting me, taking care of me when my parents are busy, I would call him my friend. He is the oldest assistant my family has, he's been there since the start of my dad's career, he was my dad's personal assistant and the only one he trusted to take care of me.

I asked him once, when will he retire, and he responded that he will serve me for as long as he can, I respect his choice, but I can't watch him spend his last remaining years serving me. I haven't done anything remarkable for him, yet he still stayed loyal. 

Diosuke: Sana-chan, the car's ready.

Sana: Okay, I'll get my bag first.

And yes, he's the only one allowed to call me that, but only around me and not my parents.



The first location we visited is the high school where I will be transferring into tomorrow. I miss my school back in Japan. I don't know if I can blend with new people, making friends is easy for me, I have a lot of them back in my old school. However, most of them treated me like a princess because of my high status, and I hate that, I want a normal friendship, the only friends who understand me are Mina and Momo. Sadly, they both moved away a long time ago and I haven't seen them since, and I lost contact with them. I miss them so much. I hope I get friends like them again.

Sana: I heard from dad that we have a cafe nearby, I want to go there.

Diosuke: Right away.

(Y/n POV)

Today was weird, I didn't get bullied TWICE, 3mix didn't show up, the J-line didn't take my food, and the SMC did not take my money. It was great! Too great actually. Something is not right, but I don't care, I guess I have to cherish the moment while it lasted. When else can I have a peaceful day at school? I remembered that today I can start having a job as a barista, finally, wait for me, money!

I straight up went to the cafe using a bus, it's quite far from my school but close to my home. It is the first place I went to when I arrived here, also the place where I met Rang for the first time. Ahh, good old memories.




Y/n: It'll be $3.45 thank you.

I saw the next person's name, squirrel? Who named themselves squirrel? Well, I can't blame them, it's just weird. I called the name, and because it felt like a lady who ordered it, I called her noona.

Y/n: Um...squirrel noona?!

???: That's me!

Y/n: *whisper* What a weird name.

???: Hey! it's not weird okay! It's my choice to name it whatever I want!

Y/n: Ahh! I'm sorry miss--

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