Another Heart Part 1

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It's good to be back! Sorry for the long wait.



Today was very tiring, our science group have just finished our project, it took hours! We went to my cafe after that, of course, all of it was on me. Now I'm just lying in bed bored to the fullest, I'm watching Netflix, but I'm not Mina who can stay still in one spot for eternity. I need someone to accompany me through the night...Momo! Let's ask her!



What is it Sana?

You busy?

No...not really, why?

Let's have a sleepover!!

I might pass this time...sorry Sana

But there'll be food! I'll buy a lot this time!

It's not about food

Then why?


I'm grounded

Wait, what?! Why??

Let's parents caught me dating

And they weren't happy about it

They say it affects my grade


Did it really affect tho?


How about you?


Did your parents allow you to date?

I don't know...I never ask them about it

Do they know that you're dating?

Not yet, I wanna tell my dad once he's here

How's Y/n anyway? I haven't seen him at school this past day

He's fine

I think

He hasn't texted me today, I wonder why...

Why don't you text him first?

Oh yeah...I was too occupied with other things, I guess

Well go and text him

Make sure he's alright

I left Momo's chat and went to check on Y/n...

He texted me!?!? Oh no! He texted me this morning?! Why didn't I get a notification?! You stupid phone!

No! It's not the phone's fault, it's you, Sana! That's the time where Taehyung called you this morning. Stupid Sana! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! You forgot your own Y/n!

I replied as fast as I can, and then he called me...

I panicked and bit my nail in the process, should I answer him or not? I don't wanna get scolded, but I have to take this call, I'll have to make an excuse...

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