Chapter 5

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Finnick's POV

I wake up this morning and start preparing for high school. I decide to dress well to impress Annie. This girl was different from the others, she intrigued me. A lot of girls had tried to hit on me, but it never worked. This time, it was me who wanted to flirt with her. I wanted to see beyond her shell.

When I got to high school, there was no one there. I waited a bit until Peeta and Gale arrived. They are all smiles and when they see they start to laugh. I look at them slightly confused and Peeta explains.

"So, do we change our look to please a girl ?" he asks me. I feel myself blushing strongly and Gale laughs louder.

"I think Annie will love your change" Gale says.

"How do you know it's for Annie ?"

"Dude, everyone sees it. First of all, yesterday at lunch you kept staring at her with heart-shaped eyes. Second of all, Peeta told me that you confessed to her that you had a crush on her." he says and I turn to Peeta and glare at him.

"Sorry but somehow he would have found out sooner or later" he says. We wait a few minutes before Johanna's car arrives.

I feel stressed out, but when she gets out of the car all I can feel are butterflies in my stomach. She is so beautiful. I see her approach with Katniss and Johanna, I take her in my arms and to my surprise, she tightens her grip on me. When she pulls away, which saddens me a bit, I can see that she blushes a bit and I smile. I see Peeta and Gale looking at me with smirks and Johanna and Katniss looking at me with a look that says "Hurt her and I kill you". We walk and head to our first class, English. I hate this subject, our teacher, Mrs Trinket is a maniacal obsessive and believe me it can be annoying. During the lesson, I am between Peeta and Gale who both seem to be asleep. I laugh and decide to text Annie because the girls are on the other side of the room and I don't want to disturb Mrs Trinket or I know I'll pay him. I see that she too is bored so I tell myself that now is the right time.

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : Hey Ann. Are you bored too ?

Annie 💖💋🎉 : Hey Finn. Yes. Is it so obvious ?

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : Yes.

Annie 💖💋🎉 : What do you want to talk about ?

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : I just wanted to apologize for last night. If I may have seemed indiscreet, that was not my intention.

Annie 💖💋🎉 : I also wanted to apologize, it was not intrusive. It's just that I have a terrible secret haunting me day and night and I don't know how to make it stop.

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : You know what ? To make amends and to take your mind off things, I'll take you for a coffee later after school. Is that okay with you ?

Annie 💖💋🎉 : It sounds good. So see you soon. 😊

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : See you soon. 😉

I can't believe it, I kind of invited Annie on a date and she said yes ! Well, it's not really a date but it suits me. The other lessons go by quickly but I can only think of Annie. Without my knowing it, it's lunchtime.

In the cafeteria, I sit next to her. We talk about everything and nothing until I make a gesture that surprises myself, I put my arm around her shoulders. I look at her and see that she is blushing. But finally, she puts her head on my shoulder and now it is me who blush. I get to see Gale and Peeta making hearts with their hands without Annie noticing and I glare at them which makes them laugh. My friends are really fools but after all, that's why I love them.

Annie's POV

I don't know what grabbed me, or even why I put my head on his shoulder, but I felt comfortable with Finnick. However, I am a little stressed for this afternoon, I don't know if for him it is a date or not. I wish it was one. But hey, I also have to make sure not to tell him my secret, I don't want him to run away from me because I had suicidal desires. When I told my brother about it, he took me out of his life. He who was one of the only members of my family to take care of me, he let me down. And I don't want to do this with Finnick.

After lunch, I have history class with Mr Abernathy. He's my favourite teacher, when he's not drunk. He let us talk and do what we want. I decide to send a message to Johanna and Katniss because even though we are in the same class, I don't want other people to be able to hear.

Annie 💖💋🎉 : Girls, I have something to tell you.

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : Good or bad news ?

Annie 💖💋🎉 : Pretty good news.

Katniss 😘🌹 : What is it ?

Annie 💖💋🎉 : Finnick kind of invited me on an after-school date.

Katniss 😘🌹: WHATT !!! But it's awesome !

Annie 💖💋🎉 : Yeah but I'm scared.

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : About what ?

Annie 💖💋🎉 : What if he found out my secret and left like Jason. He was the only member of my family who looked after me at home and when he found out he rejected me. I don't want that to happen with Finnick too, I like him.

Katniss 😘🌹 : Ann, I don't think Finnick is like that. But if I'm wrong, that he's that kind of guy and he rejects you, he will miss an amazing girl and that will be too bad for him.

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : If he ever hurts you tell me and I'll settle his account.

Annie 💖💋🎉 : Thank you girls. 💙

Katniss 😘🌹 : Always. 💚

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : And forever. 🖤

I'm glad that they take it like that and that despite everything, they just protect me. I just hope the date goes well.

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