Chapter 8

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Katniss' POV

What Annie doesn't know is that after finding out what she was doing behind our backs, I picked up Mags' number when she visited and sent her messages. Today, it's her who sent me one in the evening.

Mags 💞 : Hello Katniss, I have several interesting news. The first was that I was in town. The second is that when Annie came to see me, she took a friend.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : What friend ?

Mags 💞 : Finnick. And the last news is that he told me he loves her.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : What ! Thank you Mags. The whole gang know Finnick likes her, but I didn't know it was that powerful.

Mags 💞 : I imagine yes. When he told me about her he had that sparkle in his eyes that I had never seen in anyone's eyes.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : Thanks again. I'll make sure they end up together, even if I have to blackmail Finnick with the information you gave me.

I can't believe it ! First, Annie took Finnick to see her aunt which is something she rarely does with anyone. I mean, I knew she was on a date with Finnick but I didn't think it was something so personal. And second, Finnick confessed to Mags that he loved Annie. Well, I knew he had a crush on her, Peeta had told me, but never, and I think I'm not the only one, I wouldn't have thought he was in love with her.

I decide to warn the others, except Annie and Finnick obviously, by message.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : Hey guys, I have some very important information to share with you. So today, Annie took Finnick to see her aunt, Mags. And when he had a conversation with her alone, he confessed to her that he was in love with Annie. If you're wondering how I know, I have Mags' number and she told me everything.

Clove 🍀💛💫 : Oh yes, your information is very important. But I'm happy for them, they deserve to be happy. Besides, they are so cute together.

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : If he hurts her, he'll have to deal with me.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : And me.

Peeta 🍞✨👅 : Me too.

Cato 🏈😈👻 : I think he already got the message.

Glimmer 💄🎶💎 : And how can you be so sure ?

Gale 😎👀✌ : He was told that if he hurts her, he would deal with a lot of people including Katniss, Johanna and Peeta.

Marvel 🦸‍♂️😛🧨 : And Cato added that he didn't want to deal with Johanna because she scares him.

Cato 🏈😈👻 : MARVEL !!!

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : And he's right. If you ever get on my nerves, expect an ax in your face. And it can be worse when you go after the people I love.

Clove 🍀💛💫 : Wow, I didn't think you could love someone so much.

Glimmer 💄🎶💎 : How come you are so attached to her ?

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : We won't say more, but Annie has a painful past. She has lived a lot more than us.

Johanna ☠🎃🎇 : And that's why we protect her so much.

Peeta 🍞✨👅 : Wow, I wasn't expecting that.

Gale 😎👀✌ : Me neither.

I know I shouldn't have said so much, but I owned them a little explanation, that they just know that Annie's life is not easy : losing her little sister like that overnight, being abandoned by her parents then by her brother, being bullied at school, harming herself when she is at home. Do I really have to continue ?

Clove's POV

I was shocked because of what Katniss had just revealed. I never thought that Annie could have a painful past and, for Johanna Aspen Mason to find it painful, it had to be. When we see her, she exudes the joy of living and is not gloomy. But wait a minute, the other day she had a bruise on her cheek and said it was her brother, don't tell me it's part of her painful past ! I'll ask Annie tomorrow and if she doesn't tell me I'll go see Katniss and Johanna, I know they know what's going on but I think they promised Annie not to say anything. I just hope she's okay.

A difficult lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon