Chapter 9

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Finnick's POV

I wake up and tell myself it's the big day. I'm finally going to ask Annie to go out with me. I have taken the advice of Mags and Peeta into account and I am sure of my decision. I love her and want to be with her, what more is needed ?

I knock on the door to Clove's bedroom because I need advice on how to dress and what to do to ask her out. After several moans, she finally stood up and opened the door.


"Hey, can you tell me why you come knocking on my door so early ?" she asks, half asleep.

"I need your help"

"For what ?"

"I want to ask Annie to go out with me, but I don't know how to do or how to dress" Her face changes immediately and she seems perfectly awake. She jumps in place, which makes me laugh, and pushes me to enter in my room. She spends several minutes researching before she finds the outfit that she thinks is perfect : a blue shirt, beige pants and black sneakers. She combs my hair a bit and I look at myself in the mirror. I think Annie will love it. I hug Clove.

"Thanks" I say and she smiles.

"You're welcome but if she ever says yes, you'll be in debt to me"

"Count on me" I say and I leave.

In my car, I keep telling myself that everything is going to be fine, even though deep inside me, a ball of stress is forming. I have everything planned, so I hope she says yes.

Clove's POV

After Finnick leaves, I decide to send a message to Katniss to tell her to find an outfit for Annie. 

Clove 🍀💛💫 : Hey Katniss. You should find a nice dress for Annie, Finnick finally decided to ask her out. All I know is the date is after school.

Katniss 😘🌹✨ : Count on me, she will be beautiful.

I want everything to be perfect for them, Finnick is my brother and I see he is finally happy, and Annie looks even more fulfilled than she already is. They will live their romance, I can assure you that.

Katniss' POV

After Clove's text, I go to Annie's to find her a dress so pretty that Finnick will melt on the spot. I arrive and she lets me in and then we go to her room.

"Why did you come so early ?" she asks.

"Do you trust me ?"

"Is it really necessary as a question ?" she laughs.

"Okay so can you let me dress you today ?" I ask and do my puppy eyes in case she doesn't say yes.

"Sure. What do you want me to wear ?"

"A beautiful summer dress" She suddenly seems worried.

"I don't know if this is a good idea Katniss. You know very well why I never put on a dress and always wear sweaters."

"Yes and that's why after, we'll go put on makeup to hide your bruises" she looks at me in shock "Oh come on, like I don't know you hurt yourself when we're not around"

"How did you know ?"

"Your bruises never heal and new ones appear" My voice suddenly softens "Annie, I know you're scared, but we're all here for you. I can assure you we're not here out of pity like your unknown number thinks. I remind you that even when you were going through hell, you knew how to be there for us, like for example when I started to date Peeta, I remember that you and Johanna gave him a moral lesson on how to treat me." I laugh and so does she.

"He had no interest in hurting you or Johanna would throw an ax in his head" She hugs me. "So, where is that dress ?" I smile and walk over to her dressing room. I search and search until I find the perfect dress. I take it and show it to her.

"This is the one you bought me for my birthday" she says. I smile and hand it to her, she takes it and goes to change.

When she comes back, she's just gorgeous, even with her arms covered in bruises. We cover them with makeup and I do her hair and makeup. I lightly curl her hair and braid a section of hair. For makeup, I put foundation on her, to cover her wounds, a little powder, mascara and light lipstick.

Annie's outfit :

She gets up, goes to look at herself in the mirror and gasps

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She gets up, goes to look at herself in the mirror and gasps. I don't think she had ever seen herself so beautiful. She comes to me and hugs me.

"How did you manage to make me like this ?"

"I hardly did anything at all, that's who you are from the inside, a beautiful person"

"Thanks Katniss" she hugs me again.

"Well, this is not time to cry. I don't want you to mess up your makeup." I laugh and so does she. We go out and go to school in my car.

Their date will be perfect, I'll make sure of it.

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