Chapter 11

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Johanna's POV

I'm looking for Annie but I can't find her. Katniss and I parted ways to try to find her as quickly as possible. I walk down a hallway when I hear Delly and her gang laughing. I'm trying to understand their conversation

"Yes, she is now unconscious in the toilet. Poor redhead, she should have known who she was attacking."

I feel the anger rising in me but I hold back. I have to find Annie. If what Delly was saying is true and she's unconscious, she needs to be helped quickly. I run into the toilet and that's where I see her. She is lying on the floor, a pool of blood around her. I feel the tears rising to my eyes but I ignore them and rush to see her pulse. Weak. I start screaming for help, hopping someone will come.

Finnick's POV

I'm heading to my next class when I hear someone screaming. I recognize that voice, Johanna. I run in the direction the voice was coming from and when I see the reason for her screams, I freeze. Annie is unconscious, a pool of blood around her. Seeing her like that breaks my heart. She's so sweet, kind and caring, she doesn't deserve this. If I find out who did this to her, I promise you I'll regret it all his life. 

"What happened ?" I ask slowly, my voice breaking.

"Delly... she did this to her... Finnick her pulse is weak... we... we have to take her to the hospital" she said and I see it tearing her apart from the inside.

"Call an ambulance and I'll take her outside" I say and she nods.

I take her in a bridal style and pull her out of there. I run outside and even though to see people panting and looking at us, I still don't stop. When we are outside, the ambulance is already there and the doctors come and take Annie from my arms and put her on a stretcher. Johanna comes next to me and tells me that we have to go to the hospital. I rush to my car, Johanna behind me, and we get in.

The ride is silent until Johanna speaks.

"I warned Katniss, she's coming with the others"

"Johanna, does this story have something to do with Annie still wearing sweaters ?" I ask, suddenly making the connection in my head.

"Yeah. Since middle school, Annie has been harassed. At school it's through Delly and her gang and at home, she receives messages from an unknown number. The reason she always wears sweaters is that at home, when Katniss and I are not around, she hurts herself, physically. For example, on the night of the start of the school year, she showed us bruises on her arms. She is so fragile and has been through a lot, which is why we are protecting her with Katniss."

What she tells me breaks my heart even more. Annie is harassed, mutilate herself and now finds herself in the hospital because all of it. 

"And her parents never found out ?"

"Her parents no longer take care of her since Sophie. She became independent at a very young age. And before you ask, Jason just puts her down, he tells her that her parents wished she had never been born or that with or without her birth it wouldn't change a thing." she says calmly but I know that if she could, she would slit them all.

I felt hatred towards her family. How can you abandon your own child ? How not to realize what he is going through ?

No matter what, I will stay with Annie, I will protect her. I promise to myself.

Sorry if I didn't post Saturday but I was on a plane and now I'm in Cancun but I will write and post like usual.

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