Chapter 19

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Finnick's POV

I was with the others going to Annie's house when I got a call from Jason.

"What's going on ?" I ask.

"Come to the hospital, all of you and you'll see" he says and I hear in his voice that he cried.

"We do it as quickly as possible"

I hang up and quickly tell the others that we have to go. We all get into Cato, Gale and Marvel's cars and go to the hospital. I know it has something to do with Annie and it worries me even more.

Time skip

We get to the hospital and I run around to find Jason.

"Finnick ! Finnick I'm here !" I hear him scream. I turn around and see him sitting on a chair, his eyes red. i immediately make the connection in my head.

"Where is she ? Who has yet dared to raise a hand on her ?"

"Finnick, she did it herself"

"What ?" I ask while the others join me and I feel like I'm about to crack.

"Finnick," he gently grabs my arm, "she did it herself, Annie tried to kill herself" he starts to cry "I was in the next room but didn't notice a thing. I mess everything up, like every time." he throws himself to the ground and cries. I now understand that all is not perfect in the life of the Cresta family.

"She will be fine"

"What exactly did she do ?" asks Glimmer.

"She reopened her scar on her wrist"

"Oh no Annie" whispers Katniss.

"She had something with her when I found her" says Jason, getting up.

"What do you mean ?" asks Johanna.

"When I found her in her room, she had five letters with her. Each addressed to someone. One for Katniss, one for Johanna, one for Finnick, one for the rest of you and one for me. Here, take them. I think she would have liked us to read them."

He hands us our respective letters and we agree to isolate ourselves for each to read it.

Clove's POV

We isolate ourselves with Peeta, Gale, Glimmer, Marvel and Cato and I start to read the letter aloud.

Dear Clove, Glimmer, Cato, Marvel, Peeta and Gale,

Thank you for making me so welcome in your group, you have been golden friends and I love you with all my heart. I would like to say a little word to everyone :

Peeta, take care of Katniss, she'll need someone to lean on and you're the best at it. Thanks for introducing me to Finnick and introducing me to your friends, this is all thanks to you. And most importantly, thank you for acting like a big brother to me when Jason was not around.

Gale, if I have one thing to advise you, be strong. Being with Johanna is not something easy every day but it is also an extraordinary happiness. So hold on, be there for her, protect her and you will get there.

Cato and Marvel, sorry not to make you a paragraph each but deep down I don't know you well enough. But I do know one thing, you guys are funny, kind and lots of other things. I only ask you one thing, take care of your girlfriends, be there for them when they need you. I know you already do it but it's still to remind you.

Glimmer, follow your dreams, do the job you want, find true love even if I think you already have. be a strong girl like you already are and continue to be. Thank you for being such a lovely person all along.

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