Chapter 4

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Johanna's POV

I have an idea behind my head. I want Annie to tell us if she has feelings for Finnick.

"So now that we're settled in, does that tell you a truth or dare ?" They nod and I turn to Katniss. You shouldn't start with Annie, that would be too obvious. "Truth or dare Katniss ?"

"Dare" she says. Oh, she never should have chosen that.

"Send a message to Peeta acting like you're drunk" I say. I see her glare at me and Annie burst out laughing. She sighs and sends him the messages, then Peeta calls her.

"Put in on the speaker" Annie says.

"Okay" she puts it "Hey Peet ! "

"Katniss are you drunk ?" Peeta asks. We stifle a laugh. Katniss tries to contain herself, but of course, it doesn't work.

"No, we were just doing a truth or dare with the girls and that was my dare. Oh and for record, girls can hear you."

"Hey Peeta" we say in chorus.

"Johanna ! Next time, don't choose dares that make me worry !"

"How do you know it was me ?"

"Think. Who else choose dares like this ?"

"Gale" Katniss says.

"Oh, that already has something in common" Annie whispers to me. I glare at her but inside I'm panicked. Oh no, don't tell that they noticed my change in behavior. But they are my best friends, that doesn't surprise me. But I never thought they would find out so soon.

"Fine ok. Promise. Bye Peeta" Katniss says and hangs up. I don't think she heard Annie's comment and it's so much better. "Okay now that it's done, truth or dare Johanna ?" she tells me and I know that I must not choose dare.


"Who do you think is the most beautiful boy ?" she said to me with an amused expression. I sigh, maybe I shouldn't have chosen truth.

"Gale" I mumble and feel myself blushing.

"What ?" Annie asks and I know she wants to force me to confess.

"Gale" I say louder. I see Katniss nodding in amazement, Annie smiling and, after they exchange a look, laugh.

Annie's POV

I can't believe Johanna blushed. She never does that. Gale must be someone special to her.

"Okay, let's get serious" she turns to me and I know it will be my turn to reveal something "Annie, truth or dare ?"


"Who is the boy you have a crush on ? And don't say no one, I know there is someone."

"Okay there is someone" I feel myself blushing and I know they notice it "It's Finnick" I see them both jumping for joy. "What ? I bet it's not reciprocal. Who would want to be with someone like me ?" I say.

"Why do you say that ?" Johanna asks.

"Because I'm a monster" I feel the tears sting my eyes.

"Annie, take off your sweater" Katniss told me.

"What ?" I ask confused.

"Take off your sweater" she repeats to me.

I sigh and start removing it. I know if I don't, they'll find out what I did. When I take it off, you can see the marks of the cuts and bruises on my arms that I got. They both look at me with expressions of shock.

"When do these injuries date ?" Katniss asks.

"Today after class" I say.

"Annie, why did you do that ?" Johanna asks me softly. I burst into tears and pull out my phone to show them the message I received when I got home.

Unknown number : Hey, we're making new friends I see. Oh my poor, it looks like they're also here out of pity. Even Finnick pretends to be interested in you, it's a shame. You really thought he was going to love a girl like you.

The girls gasp as they read it and hug me. I crash to the ground and wrap myself in their embrace, as the tears flow more and more. After a few minutes, the sobs stop. I look up and see that Katniss also has a few tears on her cheeks. Johanna just has a sad expression. A few seconds later, she speaks.

"Annie so now you will listen to us. You are an amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend. You are sweet, kind, attentive and above all a person who is there to help her loved ones. Finnick would be the luckiest boy dating you. You are like a sister to us and you know how much I hate to open up and tell others how I feel. But imagine what it would do to me to lose a sister. Imagine the pain it would cause me. No don't imagine, remember what it feels like. So now you stop with the suicide attempts." she said with a few tears streaming down her face.

I did not expect that. Johanna is not a person who opens up to people. It breaks my heart to see her like that. I never thought what I was doing hurt them so much.

"I'm sorry. I promise not to try again. Thanks for being there for me girls."

"Always" they say at the same time. I give them a hug and we fall asleep.

I'm really lucky to have them in my life.

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