Chapter 16

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Finnick's POV

It's been two weeks since Annie left the hospital and for me everything is going wonderfully well. I have an amazing girlfriend, an amazing bunch of friends, and a sister that I adore.

I get to high school and get out of Gale's car. Peeta had gone to school with Katniss and Johanna was going with Annie. Since we were alone, I decide to try to find out a little more about how Gale feels for Johanna.

"Gale, can I ask you something ?"


"Do you have a crush on Johanna ?"

"Aren't you suppose to have a girlfriend ?" he says, laughing.

"Yes and I love her but that's not the question"

"Euh, actually, I don't really know"

"Okay then let me help you. Do you think she's pretty ?"


"Do you like talking with her ?"


"Do you like spending time with her ?"


"Did you like it when she hugged you two weeks ago ?"

"Yes" he lowers his head and I think he's blushing.

"Okay and last question, what do you think of her ?"

"I think she is an incredible, sweet, kind and caring girl but she hides behind a shell that I think only Annie and Katniss could see. And I would really like to find out what's behind that shell and get to know her."

"Well then my dear Gale, I can tell you that you not only have a crush on her but that you are also in love with Johanna Mason"

He was going to reply but did not have time because Johanna's car arrive. The girls get out of the car and Annie comes to give me a hug. I turn my head and see that Johanna and Gale are not sure what to do so I push Gal and he hugs her. I laugh and turn my head over to the beautiful girl in my arms. She looks up and smiles at me and I kiss her tenderly on the lips. Shortly after, the others arrive and we head to our lockers. I grab Annie's hand and see some girls glaring at her but it's probably nothing.

"Well I'll leave you here, I've got physics class. See you at lunch ok ?" I say. She kisses me softly with all the tenderness I know.

"Ok" And she leaves with the girls in maths class.

Clove's POV

We leave for maths class but on the way I notice that all the girls look badly at Annie and that they whispers things to each other, about her surely. Suddenly, Delly arrives and stands in front of Annie.

"So like that you have a boyfriend now ? How long before he lets you down for me ?"

"A long time" I say.

Katniss and Johanna are ready to jump in and kill Delly but Glimmer and Annie hold them back by force. But of course, Johanna being Johanna, she manages to break out of Glimmer's grip and jumps on Delly.

"Listen to me very clearly Delly. If you touch up Annie once again, I swear you'll pay dearly for it."

"You think I'm scared of you ?"

"You should" she turns to us, "Let's go to class"

"One last thing" says Annie. She turns and punches Delly right in the face. There was silence throughout the hall. Everyone was shocked, no one thought Annie was capable of hitting someone. "Now we can go"

Annie's POV

I don't know what got into me but it came out on its own. And then she deserved it, after everything she's been doing to me for years and what happened two weeks ago, it's the least thing to punch her in the face.

But unfortunately, I was going to regret this gesture.

Time skip

At the end of class, I go out with the girls but have to stop to pick up a book that I dropped. As soon as it is in my hand, someone pushes me and I fall to the ground. The person approaches me and whispers to me :

"All the happiness you have, it's nothing. Even you will understand it one day, you don't deserve it."

"How can he date a monster like you ?" says an other person.

"No but look at her seriously, what can he think of her ?" And they go on and on.

"Enough !" I scream. I get up and run off to catch up with the others.

It's okay, it's nothing, surely an accident. At least I hope it doesn't happen again.

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