Chapter 6

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Annie's POV

After class, I find Finnick at the exit and we head to Starbucks. We sit down and start talking.

"So tell me what do you do for a sport ?" he asks me, putting a dozen lumps of sugar in his coffee. 

"Only if you tell me why you put so much sugar in your coffee"

"I don't know, I've always loved sugar and I put it everywhere"

"Okay. Well I was on the ladies' swim team in middle school and I sing but I'm not on the club."

"Why ?"

"I don't like to be on stage, I prefer to sing for myself and my friends. And you ? What sports do you practice ?" I ask, taking a sip of my coffee again.

"Well I'm on the men's swim team and I play football. Now I suggest you a kind of game. Each ask a question to get tot know the other better."

"It's okay for me. I start. Favourite colour ?"

"Ocean blue, like your eyes. And you ?" he smiles and I blush a little.

"Blue green, like yours" This time it was him who blushed.

"Favourite place ?"

"The beach. And you ?"


"How many relationship ?"

"Any" I express an expression of shock, I thought he had already been in a relationship. "Yeah I know it might sound weird seeing all the girls hitting on me, but I never paid attention to their acting. How about you ? How many boyfriends ?"

"Zero. No one ever interested me."

"It could change" he whispers with a smirk loud enough that I can hear him. "How many brother and sister ?"

I thought about it a bit, I don't know if I should tell him. The only ones who know about this secret are Katniss and Johanna. I don't know why, but with Finnick it's easy to talk to him about my life.

"I have a big brother and I had a little sister" I say and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"What do you mean ?" He sees the tears in my eyes. "You don't have to tell me, I would understand"

"No, I'll tell you" I take a deep breath and tell him about one of the worst times in my life. "I had a little sister named Sophie. We were like best friends, I protected her from everything. But when I was ten years old and she was six, there was a shootout at the mall and she was killed." I burst into tears and Finnick hugs me and strokes my hair. "Since then, my parents have rejected Jason and me. They pretend it's because of us."

"I'm so sorry Annie. It's not your fault."

"Thanks Finnick" It takes me several minutes before I calm down. "The only other people who know that are Johanna and Katniss. Please don't tell anyone."

"I promise" he smiles at me and kisses my forehead.

"What about you, no brother or sister ?" I ask smiling.

"No. But Clove is my stepsister. Her father and my mother are married."

"It must be good"

"Yeah except when you hear her bed creak when she kisses Cato" he say, shivering at the thought, which made me laugh. I look quickly at my phone and my eyes widen when I see what time it is.

"I'm sorry, but I'll have to go home. Tomorrow my Aunt Mags is coming to town and she's the only member of my family who cares about me. You should come see her, she is the sweetest and wisest person I have ever met."

"Is that a date ?" he asks with his smirk. I feel myself blushing but I put my shyness aside.

"Yes. I'll bring you after school tomorrow." I see his smile widen.

"Alright, but I'm the one driving us there"


We walk together and talk about a lot of things, but the best part is when he imitates Mrs Trinket.

"Don't throw your bags like crazy on the tables, it's mahogany" he say and I laugh.

Without my realizing it, we arrived in front of my house.

"So see you tomorrow" he told me.

"See you tomorrow Finnick" I say and kiss his cheek before heading home.

Finnick's POV

When I'm sure she was home, I jump for joy. She just offered me a date. I touch up my cheek to make sure her kiss was real. I smile when I realize she's still hot. I look at my phone and noticed I received messages. 

Peeta 🍞👅 : What happened ? I saw you with Annie going out of class together.

Gale 😎👀✌ : Did your change of look have an influence ?

I smile and type them an answer.

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : Annie has just offered me a date tomorrow !

Gale 😎👀✌ : Well done.

Peeta 🍞👅 : I advise you to treat her well, otherwise you will be dealing with me, Katniss and Johanna. I consider Annie like a sister to me.

Cato 🏈😈👻 : If I was you I will listen to him. Personally, I wouldn't want to deal with Johanna, she scares me.

Marvel 🦸😛🧨 : Me too.

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : Don't worry, I intend to treat her the way she deserves, like a queen. I spent the afternoon with her at Starbucks and I enjoy everything I learned from her.

Cato 🏈😈👻 : Well, well, well, it looks like little Finnick is in love.

Finnick 🐠🥳🎆 : Shut up Cato. Don't you want me to tell about what you and Clove are doing in her room ? 😉

Cato 🏈😈👻 : 😲🤐

Gale 😎👀✌ : Oh Cato, you're hiding something ? 😂

I laugh and go home. I go up to my room, sit down and lose myself in my thoughts until someone knocks on the door.

"Come on in" I say.

"Hey" Clove says. "I have two things to tell you"

"Go on"

"First of all, why does Cato tell me you're listening when we kiss ?"

"So I don't listen, it's just that your bed creaks when you two kiss on it" I say and she blushes.

"Okay and second of all, congratulations for your date with Annie"

"How do you know ?"

"The girls talk to each other too" she says with a smile that means a lot. "Just one last thing, don't hurt her, she's fragile you know. I know you're probably sick of everyone telling you, but it's because we're worried about you and her. Maybe you don't know but Katniss told me, when Peeta started dating her, Annie did the exact same thing. She told him that if he hurt her, she would take care of him. This is also why Peeta told you the same thing earlier. And also why Katniss and Johanna will repeat it to you."

"Thanks Clove" I say, giving her a hug. 

"You're welcome. That's what a sister does." she says and she comes out of my room.

I fall asleep with a thought in my head, my date with Annie. I never want to make her suffer. I haven't known her until recently, but she has already open herself up to me with her sister's story. I want her to be able to smile all the time. I want to be able to spend my days with her. I want to be able to kiss her and keep her as close to me as possible. I think, I think I love Annie Cresta.

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