Chapter 13

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Johanna's POV

"Where is she ? Where is my sister ?!" I immediately recognize the person who arrives.

"Jason ?" I say, mixed between sadness and anger.

"Johanna, where is she ?"

"What are you doing here ?"

"I need to see her, please"

"Why ? After all, wasn't it you who hit her in the face the other day ?" intervenes Finnick.

"Yes but please, I need to talk to her"

Jason's POV

"I know I haven't been there for her but when I got that call telling me she was in the hospital, I felt guilty for what I did to her. But I want to catch up, I want to be part of her family."

"Are you crazy ?" starts Johanna "You gave her up and now you want to come back when you hit her the other day ?"

"Jo" tries Katniss but she's out of control.

"You're not telling me you'll forgive him after everything that he did to her ?"

"I'm not saying that but I'm just saying he's Annie's brother and that..."

"It will be up to Annie to decide" finishes Finnick. I feel like I'm going to appreciate this one.

"But, he..."

"Johanna, I know you are pissed off but imagine that you make this decision instead of Annie and that she is angry with you afterwards" says a tall dark-haired man I don't know.

"I know but I just want to protect her"

"And you do it great but met him go" Wow, he managed tot calm her down easily, this is a first.

"Does that mean I can go see her ?" I ask.

Everyone turns to Johanna and she lets out a sigh before nodding.

"Fine but only after Finnick" says Katniss.

I nod and Finnick walks over to Annie's room.

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