Chapter 14

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This chapter is short, but you won't regret it.

Finnick's POV

I arrive and sit down while taking her hand.

"Hey Ann, I'm here to tell you something. You know from day one I felt you would be someone special to me, and you are. During your meeting, when you told me about Sophie, despite everything I wanted to stay with you. You are a beautiful person, intelligent, generous and above all who has the biggest heart of the world. Annie, what I'm going to tell you might change everything between us but I just want you to know that I love you Annie Cresta, I love you. And if I find the person who put you in this state, I swear I'll kill him and make him regret doing this to you."

"And I love you too Finnick Odair"

I look up and see Annie's beautiful face, pale perhaps but still beautiful. She smiles at me and I get up to hug her as tightly as possible.

"Finnick... you... I can't... breath..." I pull back and smile awkwardly.

"Whoops, sorry" I say nervously. "But at least now I can do this"

I approach her and kiss her tenderly. The kiss is just magic. I step back and smile at her.

"Annie Cresta, will you be my girlfriend ?"

"Of course yes"

"On the other hand there is something that I must tell you" I say.

"What's happening ?" she asks innocently.

"Jason is here"

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